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Internet General (38 posts)
09-August 07
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User is offline Sep 04 2007 01:25 AM

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  1. In Topic: Free Internet

    Posted 30 Aug 2007

    so what does this mean then?

    If greendot or WoW net is offering free net how then will they make a profit?

    I heard wow net saying sometime last year they are doing some islandwide wireless island wide broadband internet service with very cheap prices so I asked the woman Miss Singh how much will that cheap new broadband service cost and how fast will it be?

    She proudly said it will be 256k fast box thingy at only $500 vat excluded.

    Offcourse this is when I fainted.
  2. In Topic: New TSTT Broadband Services

    Posted 30 Aug 2007

    View Post srnoth, on Aug 30 2007, 01:31 PM, said:

    And this is why even if TSTT drops their prices and increases their speed, I will never go back to them for internet access. This is not a case where, like Flow, they need to upgrade the existing infrastructure before increasing speeds. TSTT already has DSL infrastructure in place in Tobago, certainly to offer 1mb DSL connections. If it is really true that Tobagonians will still have to pay ~$400 a month for a 256k DSL connection, TSTT will just be proving themselves to still be the scheming, backstabbing, 'don't give a damn about their customers' company they always were.

    But for now I guess we must wait and see...

    Well said man well said.

    This is the same reason why I have abandoned bmobile in favour of Digicel. But honestly speaking this isn't anything new you know, remember its TSTT we are talking about, I would honestly say there should be laws against this kind of nonsense.

    I for one do not find it hard to believe that TSTT prices will remain the same in Tobago, remember there are few countries in the world that has separate islands that make up one country. So this would be a good move business wise for TSTT to let tobago prices remain the same.

    Honestly I have to ask why am I not surprised that TSTT would do something like this. Personally I think the people of Tobago should write the TATT and complain about that kind of oppression.
  3. In Topic: TSTT Dial Up Service

    Posted 30 Aug 2007

    I am having serious issues with dialup internet.

    Webpages not loading 100MB stuff taking 3 days to download and mostly getting timedout because of that.

    Can anyone please help me out here?

    Is it legal for TSTT to do this to their dialup customers?

    I remember seeing an add by TATT last year where it said that you can write a letter to them if you are getting speeds below 10k aka 1KB/S

    But I think that I am getting like 2K so I guess TATT won't be able to help me cause they require you to get below 1K before they are willing to help you.

    Can anyonme here please help me out?

    Is there anything I can do to improve my dialup back to its usuall 4K/28k?

    please help me someone.
  4. In Topic: New TSTT Broadband Services

    Posted 29 Aug 2007

    View Post Trini.tk, on Aug 28 2007, 08:19 PM, said:

    If the prices in Trinidad were the same as Tobago before the changes in prices and speeds are made, I really don't see how TSTT could come after the changes are made and start charging a higher price in Tobago.
    That would really be unfair and I would even go so far as saying illegal.

    TSTT prices in Tobago will remain the same for now, I got this news from a guy in my class who works at TSTT.

    He says that even though T&T is one country Tobago is another island. And Flow has little interest in upgrading Tobago until 2010. Currently Flow's main interest is upgrading Trinidad cause that's where most of the profit is. Infact Flow hasen't even started upgrading Trinidad as yet when one considers how little about 10% of Trinidad is digital ready and on Flow website they say that this upgrade will take about 4 years on a phase basis.

    So it is safe to assume that Tobago will be the last place to get Digitalise. Hence there is no need for TSTT to offer such cheap and high bandwidth packages to Tobago as yet

    Its all about competition really, it would seem that our Tobagonian neighbours will have a very very long wait for their internet revolution.

    But I agree with you Trini.tk it is unfair. Its possible the rate we are going Tobago might have to wait till 2012 for as little as 512k DSL.
  5. In Topic: Flow Doubles Bandwidth (New rates inside)

    Posted 23 Aug 2007

    Flowtrinidad website has been updated with new pics of internet fees and pic of the modem and how much the modem costs.

    Also they putup the digitally ready areas.

    And they put up the soon to be digital areas. But hear the greatest one of the soon to be digitall areas is oropune.

    Now oropune as we all know is by the Airport and is what you call a Slum. Meaning its a very undeveloped area with majority of the people being uneducated anyone pased there going to the old airport will know what I am talking about. The place is horrific.

    SO to make a long story short if Flow plans to upgrade oropune to digital then Flow plans to uograde the entire of Trinidad to digital.

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