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High Speed ADSL (65 posts)
10-August 05
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User is offline Aug 07 2012 12:42 PM

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  1. In Topic: Wamp Server and Zhone Router

    Posted 12 Jan 2012

    View Post Trini.tk, on 02 January 2012 - 09:02 PM, said:

    I've got a Zhone wireless router from TSTT.

    I use wamp server on my PC when developing websites locally.

    I would like to access websites on my Pc from my Blackberry to test how they run on mobile.

    I've tried using the PC's local IP address but I am unable to connect to it.

    Can anyone advise me on how I can get this to work.

    I don't know much about Blackberry, but are you able to access your PC on it's local IP address via another PC on the network? I assume your wamp webserver on the PC is set up to use port 80. As far as the Zhone wireless router, local networking should not need any NAT settings - you should be able to reach any device on the network from any other device. Can it be that there is a firewall on the PC that is blocking the webserver from being accessed from the LAN?
  2. In Topic: help with setting up my Linksys router

    Posted 31 Oct 2008

    View Post k1701a, on Oct 31 2008, 05:26 AM, said:

    hey everyone!
    need some help here, I had alot of trouble accessing the online advanced setup page( you know type in on your address bar in router) for my router(Linksys, WRT54G, version 8.0) I checked the help page for the router and it recommended to me that i reset the router. I did and I am able to access the online setup page.

    But what I notice that all of the fields for settings are empty! such as hostname and domain name, Can anyone on the forum give a list of the settings needed for my linksys router for TSTT ADSL service? Im not on Blink because TSTT is still migrating me to Blink.

    Any help will be useful!!!


    Just confirm you are using a Blink supplied Zhone / Paradyne ADSL modem connected to your phone line. If so, are you able to get online when your computer is directly connected to the modem with a RJ45 patch cable? If you want to use your WRT54G to share your internet connection, there may be an IP address conflict between the ADSL modem and your WRT54G. There are no TSTT ADSL specific settings necessary in the WRT54G (unless you're using the modem in bridge mode - which is unlikely). Let us know your exact setup.
  3. In Topic: Blink in Tobago

    Posted 17 Oct 2008

    View Post tobago, on Oct 16 2008, 09:03 PM, said:

    Hello everyone on the forum. After a long layoff I am back posting. I see no new posts in the Tobago section. Maybe everyone is happy in Tobago.

    The latest info I have is that TSTT is not bothering with the fiber optic line link again; it is too expensive. Instead they are going with a THIRD microwave link to the island.

    Rough calculations give me about 8000 to 9000 concurrent users on such a system. If we consider that many subscribers are using a 1MB connection then it may actually be less.

    When I questioned Mr Deane a while aback (July) about capacity, I thought we had about about 12 months before over subscription. I seems to be about 3 months. The network is now becoming congested and speeds have begun to drop off slightly. Not to mention the constant bouncing on and off the network that some customers have. So the answer is the third microwave.

    I am still good but service is becoming questionable in other areas and now, as I predicted, they do not have the manpower to handle all the niggling problems that subscribers have.
    Over 10 days to repair a phone line.
    Several weeks to get blink hookup (they have employed contracted workers to deploy blink) Unfortunately, inter office communication is nil so that these workers go to deploy and the line is not switched over or no programming in the DSLAM etc.
    One customer could not get a blink modem replaced. Reason? TSTT don't have enough for new customers so defective have to wait until new customers handled. Of course Customer has to wait until a tech visits the premises. Refer to example one.

    Bottom line; I predicted that TSTT will sell a product with no manpower to support it. SO said SO done. TSTT is now playing catchup.


    Welcome back to the forum Tobago. I can confirm that everyone is not happy in Tobago - although I personally am a little happier than before. A miracle occurred - I now have ADSL. Following a power brown-out last week my Zhone modem froze up which required a factory reset. After it had re-booted, it had reverted to bridge mode with which I was not familiar. But although not authenticated, according to the ADSL Statistics page, the modem was connected at 1192 kbs with ADSL2. Up to then it had always been G-DMT over PPPoA at a speed of 192 kbs. I reconfigured my D-Link router to work with the modem in bridge mode and was surprised that my measured speed exceeded the 500 kbs which I am paying for. One problem after setting up bridge mode is that the modem is inaccessible from the browser, so I then reconfigured everything to PPPoE. The results are shown below:-
    Statistics -- ADSL

    Mode: ADSL2
    Line Coding: Trellis On
    Status: No Defect
    Link Power State: L0

    Downstream Upstream
    SNR Margin (dB): 3.0 10.0
    Attenuation (dB): 75.0 46.5
    Output Power (dBm): 12.8 10.0
    Attainable Rate (Kbps): 896 648
    Rate (Kbps): 1184 561

    The Attenuation and SNR Margin figures are dismal, but it just goes to prove that the technology is robust enough to give reasonable performance despite the bad line conditions. (you will remember my line distance is 6 Km and the cable is an old air cored one). What I do not understand, is why I now have ADSL2 whereas I only had G-DMT before. Is it just coincidence that my modem needed a factory reset to be able to sync with ADSL2 or have Blink done something in the exchange? Probably will never know.
  4. In Topic: Blink in Tobago

    Posted 16 Aug 2008

    View Post tobago, on Aug 15 2008, 11:05 AM, said:

    Good numbers but to be expected at such a short distance. I would seriously let your friend in Bethany check that mix up with the old HSIA and DSL1234567 accounts. That same thing happened to me. Had 2mb and did not even know. Fortunately TSTT_CC helped me out there.

    Bethany has been on to TSTT again - there is no mix up between the old and new accounts - but the reason for the delay is because it's a 10 Mbps connection, they have to wait for an authorization signature from a supervisor in Trinidad before the account can be activated. Anyone heard of such pedantic nonsense? :blink:
  5. In Topic: wireless router

    Posted 15 Aug 2008

    View Post DJMRLONG, on Aug 15 2008, 06:42 PM, said:

    You can get this item from PriceSmart @ $315.00
    (http://www.amazon.com/Belkin- Wireless-G-Router-Cable-Gateway/ dp/B00008ZPJU/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1? ie=UTF8&s=electronics& qid=1218839735&sr=8-1)

    You can get this item from SuperTech @ $350.00
    (http://www.amazon.com/Linksys- WRT54G-Wireless-G-Router/dp/ B00007KDVI/ref=pd_bbs_1?ie=UTF8& s=electronics&qid=1218839890& sr=8-1)

    Or $349.99 VAT inclusive for the Zhone / Paradyne 6218 Wi-Fi I2 from Blink when you don't have a contract. (buy online for US$70-80 so TT$350 isn't bad)

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Member Title:
Advanced Member
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown
Prospect, Tobago


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