TSTT Forum: shaneelal - Viewing Profile

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shaneelal's Profile User Rating: -----

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195 (0.03 per day)
Most Active In:
High Speed ADSL (64 posts)
19-July 05
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User is offline Sep 22 2013 07:53 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Anybody in lange park have 10mb BLINK?

    Posted 29 Nov 2009

    Do you currently have blink? If so, what line rate do you sync at?
  2. In Topic: Blink on the go, any good?

    Posted 26 Sep 2009

    View Post Skylined, on Sep 25 2009, 05:10 PM, said:

    This looks nice, I have'nt purchased it yet, but I will now!

    Remember this service is not for heavy down-loaders.
  3. In Topic: WHAT TSTT DOING TO US (ARGGGG)!!!!!!!!

    Posted 10 Jun 2009

    7:50pm peak time, evening before the holiday

    http://www.speedtest... t/493144606.png
  4. In Topic: WHAT TSTT DOING TO US (ARGGGG)!!!!!!!!

    Posted 26 May 2009

    http://www.speedtest. ..t/482207831.png

    http://www.speedtest... t/482208330.png

    Appears to working ok now 8:50pm
  5. In Topic: Blink Billing

    Posted 3 May 2009

    View Post CapeMayGrrl, on May 3 2009, 05:38 PM, said:

    I'm wondering if it's because it's the newer wi-fi modem? Were the modems that were free not wi-fi?

    What package did you take? If you have a package with 1mb/s or higher then the wi-fi modem should be free, else you'd have to pay for the wi-fi modem.

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Board Warrior
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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