TSTT Forum: woodyear99 - Viewing Profile

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woodyear99's Profile User Rating: -----

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284 (0.04 per day)
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Flow Internet (155 posts)
16-August 05
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User is offline Sep 06 2009 10:07 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: tstt gprs pop mail

    Posted 29 Dec 2008

    View Post Musa, on Dec 29 2008, 07:50 AM, said:

    I have been having the same problem too with Bmobile GPRS service but it works fine with Digicel. Do you have the option to increase to time out setting if so increase it. You can also set it to download the header only and then choose which email you would like to completely download.

    Yeah I tried those things, seems to be blocked. Weird though I can access the POP Gmail just fine. I called Tstt and they were pretty unhelpful saying that I must take Blackberry service in order to access POP mail and that the gprs service cannot handle pop mail. Lol you believe that, apparently it is a "limitation" of gprs and the blackberry service came out to replace it.

    Load of crap.....
  2. In Topic: TSTT GPRS/EDGE enabled Cell Towers

    Posted 26 Nov 2008

    Once you sign up for GPRS service are you automatically placed on the EDGE service? which is supposedly an upgraded flavor of GPRS or do u have to pay for a different package (not the $150)
  3. In Topic: Flow slow down

    Posted 28 Jun 2008

    This is from the 6 mbit connection

    http://www.speedtest... t/289650862.png
  4. In Topic: flow down again ??

    Posted 20 Nov 2007

    Yeah it's been down since yesterday for me. Good thing I held onto tstt as a backup hehe :P
  5. In Topic: Flow speed problems

    Posted 15 Nov 2007

    No active complaints recently, shows that Flow really improving....my 6 mbit working real good these days.

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Board Warrior
Age Unknown
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