TSTT Forum: Tera - Viewing Profile

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Tera's Profile User Rating: -----

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Flow Internet (2 posts)
07-August 08
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User is offline Feb 20 2013 02:48 PM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: TSTT's Cable TV Service

    Posted 2 Nov 2009

    More information...

    http://www.blinkente... .tt/index.cfm/1,161,0,0,html/ Entertainment
  2. In Topic: Use flow modem in another location?

    Posted 6 Feb 2009

    It works. Tried this about a year ago with a >6MB provisioned modem I was using on a job site. Brought it home for the night and decided to try it out.
  3. In Topic: Flow problem - only one computer can connect

    Posted 21 Nov 2008

    View Post Trini.tk, on Nov 7 2008, 01:08 AM, said:

    Didn't really want to have to go through all of that.

    How do you login to the flow modem?

    If you want to connect computers simultaneously you need a router. If you are just trying to use one at a time, you can disconnect the cable from one and reboot the modem (by pressing the recessed reset button at the back). Once it has started rebooting, you can plug the cable into the next computer. The modem will then register the MAC address of the new network adapter with your public IP. You have to do this each time you plug the modem into a different device.

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