TSTT Forum: Waiting4BlinkLikeADialUpDL - Viewing Profile

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Waiting4BlinkLikeADialUpDL's Profile User Rating: -----

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4 (0 per day)
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High Speed ADSL (2 posts)
12-January 08
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User is offline Jan 10 2009 09:58 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Voicemail multiple mailboxes

    Posted 10 Jan 2009

    Neither I nor TSTT seem to be able to get multiple voicemail boxes to work on my line. I tried a year ago when the system was first switched over and they said they were having system problems, wait. I just tried again a year later and techs reset the voicemail three times without success. I get the configuration options in the voice menu and I can set it up that way, and TSTT says the programming looks right on their end. I just doesn't work when someone calls in.

    Anyone using multiple mailboxes successfully? Anyone have the same experience?
  2. Rate adjustments for waiting Blink customers

    Posted 13 Jan 2008

    I'm currently negotiating with TSTT to adjust my current internet services rate to something closer to what I would be paying for a similar quality of service had they fulfilled their promise of delivering Blink in the timeframe they committed to. Since they say they are unable to do anything to speed up my conversion to Blink, I've provided something they CAN in fact do for customers who have been so put out. As a courtesy, and to show I'm reasonable and not insensitive to their challenges, I'm willing in good faith to accept the $79 rate for unlimited dial-up service, although Blink would have been a superior service to the dialup speed I am getting. I also think it's fair to use the 6 week time frame and not the 4 weeks. So I've asked for the adjustment to take place effective as of the six weeks after the date of my application, which is in its twelfth week of pendency.

    That might be a solution that would apply in the case of other customers as well. Try raising it with a billing supervisor.

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