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High Speed ADSL (7 posts)
02-November 07
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User is offline Dec 28 2008 10:13 AM
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Topics I've Started

  1. TSTT Blinkin frustrations

    Posted 13 Feb 2008

    Well, i've just spend the better half of my afternoon with about half dozen tstt individuals in an attempt to sort out the issues with their connection . I personally was being very patient about the whole 'blink' nonsense as I was simply contented with the 256k connection i had, mainly because it was STABLE! i'd personally take a stable 256k connection over an unstable 15mb connection any day.

    however all of that has changed over the past several weeks as my regular 256k connection is now horribly unstable. the bandwidth had been pretty constant (generally 280k~down, 200k~up) however the latencies seem to be riding one of Disney World's latest roller coaster rides. Online game play and voip has been rendered almost impossible. :angry:

    Probably the most annoying fact is that we're being billed for the 2mb blink connection since DECEMBER! At that time we had not even officially signed up online for the blink service as yet (was only done about 4 weeks ago) and the supposed 'free modem' that ttpost was to deliver is a joke.

    Ofcourse calling them seems futile. I have a DLink-2540b modem however, which works on the Blink ADSL2+ network (confirmed this with a friends blink connection in Barataria), and there is no indication of any adsl2+ connection being existant in my area what-so-ever. There is the odd detection of the T1 mode that has been mentioned on this forum before, however speeds have never been anything above the normal 256k package that we have had for the past couple years. Ofcourse even mentioning anything other than a speedstream or paradyne modem to any tstt individual automatically renders them unable to provide any assistance, so i simply tell them i have a paradyne and find the settings they speak of myself, as i know the modem settings layout like the back of my hand by now. :blink:

    If i had to guess, i would simply assume that the exchange i'm under has not been switched across to blink as yet and that is why no adsl2+ connection is being detected. Tstt agents seem to think otherwise, since they have Santa Cruz being blink ready. And i am aware of individuals in Lower Santa Cruz having Blink connections, however attempting to tell them that i am from the UPPER Santa Cruz area where the exchange is MOST LIKELY different to the exhange ppl in lower santa cruz connect to proves futile. :angry:

    One individual in tstt did seem to hear me out and was willing to put a work order out for a technician to check the exchange in the area, however i pleaded for him to try his best in order to make sure the technician doesn't check the exchange that the lower santa cruz ppl are connected to. sigh. <_<

    is there no convenient way for tstt to transition their customers over to blink without all of this hassle? i'm now forced to go into one of their branches and trade in my old speedstream for one of their paradyne, SIMPLY to convince them further that their blink is not in the area.
    Guess i have to do like the numerous other ppl who eventually sorted themselves out and call them day after day? :(

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