TSTT Forum: ACW - Viewing Profile

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ACW's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (1 posts)
02-May 05
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User is offline May 02 2005 10:09 AM
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Topics I've Started

  1. ADSL line voltage and noise

    Posted 2 May 2005

    Since my DSL was installed in February I have had signal to noise ratio's of 2.0 to 18.0, averaging 7-10 most of the time. There have only been three days when the SNR was, for a few hours, in the recommended range of 19-31. Errors were in inverse proportion to the SNR, usually in the hundreds/sec.

    Also, when installing new phone lines for the computer, I was getting a stronger electric shock than expected, and measured 35 V AC across the red and green wires of the DSL line. This persists when I turn off all power to the house from the main board.

    I have complained to TSTT almost weekly since installation. I have had 3 visits from the TSTT DSL technicians, 3 visits from the TSTT line technicians and 2 from TTEC technicians (in response to a separate complaint to them). The last pair of DSL technicians showed that the internal system was fine and said it was the line. All the rest have stared up in the air at the wires, not bothered to take any tools out, and gone away saying it's someone else's responsibility.

    Several requests to TSTT support as to what is the correct DSL line voltage have gone unanswered. Maybe they don't know.

    Can someone with DSL and an avometer measure the potential difference across their DSL wires and let me know what voltage they get and if it is AC or DC.


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