TSTT Forum: edylewis - Viewing Profile

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edylewis's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (10 posts)
24-June 04
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User is offline Sep 20 2004 02:30 PM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: DSL timeouts

    Posted 12 Aug 2004

    Wolfie, on Aug 2 2004, 05:42 AM, said:

    which are you on 128/256/512/T1? (Yes T1s are being given to specific people)

    The problem does not occur on 512 and up lines, only 256k and below. I cannot keep a good ssh session for more than 20 mins or so, it is very very very annoying. I have emailed TSTT about it but as usual the technicians think everything is working fine and the problem is mine. I've also emailed an admin about it and of course there's no response because as we all know, they don't talk to commoners. The DSL line quality is very good. This also happens on an internet only line @ work with a 256k account with 0 dsl crc errors for a month now. I think most 128 people here would identify with this problem, as you see them popping in and out of msn all the time and muttering profanities about TSTT when they come back on hehe.

    Oh well i just have to voice these things because when i take action i get into trouble. hopefully when competition comes in and they're forced to rent our their backbone we'd get better service and REAL broadband (everyone around the world considers 128k to be ISDN).

    20 minutes! Wow!
    I have not heard of that problem before.
    I've seen telnet sessions stay up for hours without a problem on dsl lines, here; i'm not sure what is a ssh session. If there is a 20 minute type problem perhaps someone from tstt internet side of things can observe it by logging in to your system, and checking if the session drops in less than a hour?
  2. In Topic: ADSL connected, But no phone!

    Posted 6 Jul 2004

    zodiaque, on Jul 3 2004, 05:14 PM, said:

    The adsl seems to be workin, sorta. But now I don't have any sound comming over my phone! It is as though the line is dead. anyone else experience this? if so, what's the cause/solution?

    That's definitely not right. You should be getting dial tone and be able to make phone calls while you are online.
  3. In Topic: ADSL cuts off after 11h45min

    Posted 6 Jul 2004

    zodiaque, on Jul 3 2004, 02:45 AM, said:

    ^lol , ditto, basically a lack of knoledge of the system and/or laziness!
    too bad i signed that year's contract
    btw, still no dsl! lol! but for the 10mins i got it for it was pretty fast!

    Am I missing something here?
    Does that 11hr 45min problem still exist or not?
  4. In Topic: dsl and file sharing

    Posted 6 Jul 2004

    SOS, on Jun 28 2004, 09:10 PM, said:

    why is it that i am unable to operate software that encourages file sharing eg winmx, imesh etc....

    i was told that tstt DSL comes along with a built in fire wall but which may prevent such programmes from being able to access the internet, howvere upon signing up for DSL i requested that the fire wall not be included in the package as i have my own personal firewall... n eway is there n e special setting or something that i must do inorder to get it to operate? Or is there a possiblity that the fire wall has been included in the package eventhough i have requested that it be excluded?

    I'm using winmx with the following settings
    - Secondary connections (thats under the Network window)
    - Unable to accept incoming TCP connections (under Options, Incoming Connections, Incoming TCP connections.)
  5. In Topic: ADSL speed decrease

    Posted 28 Jun 2004

    admin, on Jan 22 2004, 08:58 PM, said:

    For a bit over a week my ADSL line is slowing down a lot. Before last week, I was able to listen to online music (streaming) for hours, now it is only a few seconds and it stops.
    Downloads are falling asleep and performance is not anymore good.
    Is that maybe just the area or exchange I am in, or ...?

    Unfortunately there is never a word from my so called ISP (TSTT) ... The non existing customer service might be available in 2020. For now they seem more to be under the influence of 1919 ;-)
    Anybody else with similar problems?

    Yes, they did start limiting bandwidth around that time in accordance with the packages. Prior to that, there had been a long internal debate over the issue of capping the adsl line speeds. Eventually the internet side was able to limit the internet traffic side of things without compromising the adsl side of things.

    On the adsl side of things they try to run the physical line itself at whatever rate it can take comfortably; future central office gear will probably do that automatically and not even have an option for setting the line speed.

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