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Josey's Profile User Rating: -----

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Dialup Modem (3 posts)
05-July 07
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User is offline Jul 08 2007 12:03 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Where is Laqtel?

    Posted 5 Jul 2007

    Does anyone have the slightest idea what has happned to laqtel :huh:

    last Time I heard of them was 3 years ago and thats it :blink:

    No ads in the papers, the CEO dosen't really care to give a damn.

    Its almost like if Laqtel has vanished off the face of the earth :blink:

    If laqtel has no intentions of launching then Why dosen't the TATT finally give the contract to Verizon or Sprint?

    I understand Sprint and Verizon are begging to lay down WIMAX internet services in Trinidad. Someone who works in the ministry in TATT told me that Sprint it was going to give a minimum of 2MB wireless wimax internet service for mobile users in Trinidad and then by some twist of fate some company from no where called Laqtel got the contract :blink:

    Now 3 years later it seems like Laqtel has disappeared of the face of the earth.
    Not even a press release from the CEO?


    I am at a total lost here in Trinidad as to where we are going in terms if wireless broadband internet.
    In Canada where my cousine lives he pays $20 for 2MB wireless internet.

    I do not under stand what is happening in Trinidad in terms if wireless internet.

    I specifically remembered in the las budget the honorable prime minister of Trinidad said that in 2007 we would be paying the lowest unit cost for internet in Trinidad and with the highest and fastest service in the entire caribbean ;)

    I seem lost to what has happened to that promise. :angry:

    And the TATT seems to be very pleased with the state of Internet service in Trinidad. how ironic :unsure:

    I even heard TATT is TSTT man talk about corruption :huh:

    I give up people I give up on Internet in this country. Fatherless wireless internet.

    Where is laqtel exactly :unsure:
  2. 1 Gigabit Internet for residential use

    Posted 5 Jul 2007

    hey did you all see on BBC world where China has recently introduced 1Gb internet?
    WOW holy christ :blink:

    And UK government has mandated all ISP upgrade to 100 MB internet in the next 2 years for customers.

    In India the government has taken a course that all citizens will be given free 2MB internet in the next 2 years to come.

    in North Korea the government has introduced 10 Gb wireless internet :blink:

    Just one question people, why are we in Trinidad still using 256k? hell why are nearly all of us being forced to use Dialup?

    I patiently await an answer to my question.
    Why is everyone else around the world looking at 100 Mb and Gb internet while we looking looking at 512k dsl?
    Heck if my dialup works at 56k I will jump to the moon on Joy.


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