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baby_bear's Profile User Rating: -----

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Problems with your line (7 posts)
02-August 07
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User is offline Aug 24 2009 03:54 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Constant Phone Line Malfunction

    Posted 31 Jul 2008

    For the past year my line has been giving problems, it will work for two weeks and then suddenly go down (usually on the weekend) and there will be static or humming and no dial tone and of course TSTT takes months to actually do the repair and if the line is down of course there is no ADSL service. I am really wondering what my options are since I am essentially paying for two services that I am not receiving and BLINK is not cheap. I have contacted TSTT both by phone and e-mail and still no help. When I go to pay the bill and ask them about the repair status, they insist I never made a report. When I call them they say a report is in. In all it is a frustrating experience and I need my ADSL for research for my degree. I wonder if anyone out there can help in any way.
  2. HELP: Status Light Blinking

    Posted 11 Jun 2008

    Good Day,

    I am trying to get some help with my ADSL which was recently upgraded to BLINK. In April I reported to TSTT that there was static on my line. This was a Wednesday. The Saturday I noticed my line was dead and reported this fact to TSTT who told me the technician cut the line to work on it and would not be going back to the exchange until the following Monday. The line remained like this for quite sometime then in the middle of last month dial tone returned but no DSL. I called for technical assistance, someone with a very thick accent kept me on the phone for almost two hours configuring and re-configuring the settings, to no avail. The status light keeps coming on and going off. Has anyone else had a problem like this? If so was it ever resolved?

    I know the post is a bit detailed but I wanted to explain the full situation in the event that someone could help me resolve this. I have made numerous reports, sent a few emails and spoken to multiple technicians

    Can anyone help?
  3. ADSL

    Posted 7 Aug 2007

    I am very new to this ADSL world (have had dialup for almost 10 years), but does any one have this new Paradyne modem and if so have you had any problems with it. Ever since I got this thing, from day one problems evermore. Even before my line went down, it would not work in conjunction with my wireless router. Even when I got it to work before I left home, when I returned home in the night, the settings would 'magically' change and it would not be working. Called TSTT almost everyday, and each day they tried everything from changing the password to disconnecting the wireless router, to cleaning out the temporary internet files ( :blink: ). All in all, the solution would only last as long as I remained online. Problems would return the next day.

    I have spoken to quite a few friends who have claimed this is happening because of the Paradyne modem and TSTT's settings and that they never had these problems with Speedstream. I was just wondering if this is an isolated issue or if anyone else is having these problems. I have been on the phone with TSTT everyday since I took ADSL. :(
  4. TSTT M.I.A.

    Posted 6 Aug 2007

    I recently called TSTT about my landline and the fact that it was open with much static on it. This occured the same week I installed ADSL. I called TSTT to request a technician come to take a look at my line. They replied that this would be done within 5 working days. This was on 6th July. I called on 13th July, thinking I had given them enough time (still no sign of any technician), I was told there was no report for my line (bear in mind if you tried to make an automated report about the line, a message said a report was made on this line). Anyway, someone made another report and they logged it at 13th July 2007. To this day, still no sign of TSTT. I have spoken to numerous TSTT Representatives and Supervisors and everyone claims to be expediting the matter and 'very sorry for any inconvenience caused'. Is it that TSTT has lost a great supply of their technicians?? Why is it that to this day no one can appear?
    I am very concerned since despite the fact that I can make no calls on my phone since the first week in July, I got a July bill for $198.50. How is this possible? I understand that I am not the only one having this problem, but can anyone help me to remedy this system? <_<

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Age Unknown
February 12
Point Fortin

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