TSTT Forum: cmad2001 - Viewing Profile

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cmad2001's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (14 posts)
05-July 04
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User is offline Aug 21 2005 11:01 PM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: TSTT banned from increasing DSL Bandwidth to 512k

    Posted 21 Aug 2005

    The "source" as you call it is TSTT marketing personel. Thank you for the correction, you are right, as of 2004 the RIC no longer controls TSTT, it is the TATT. I assume that the "source" was referring to TATT. That said, the source is legit.

    The main argument here is that TSTT was blocked (by which ever agency) from increasing the bandwidth because it would have represented an unfair advantage for TSTT. On TATT's website it is clearly stated that the the first funtion of the authority is to "To establish conditions for an open market for telecommunications services including conditions for FAIR competition." The competitors' complaint was that they could not compete with TSTT if they increased their bandwidth on dsl to 512k probably because they (the competitor) cannot offer 512k to their customers.

    One has to remember that TSTT still has monopolistic control on the internet access in Trinidad and Tobago. Most ISPs still purchase a connection from TSTT to the internet.
  2. In Topic: ADSL Offline?

    Posted 20 Apr 2005

    Yeah, had the same problem here in Diamond Vale. It seemed to be a problem with TSTT's international link out of Trinidad, cause i was able to access tstt's adsl test page, but nothing else. I actually rebooted my router and was unable to log back in for a while there. I dunno if they disabled the logins while correcting the problem :unsure: anyway, glad it's back up.
  3. In Topic: TSTT Double Speed

    Posted 20 Jan 2005

    Admin, any comments ? we havent heard from you. Did you get your increase as promised ? :unsure:
  4. In Topic: TSTT Double Speed

    Posted 20 Jan 2005

    Ok people, it's now 1:49am and I FINALLY got my increase ! I'm getting 263.50kbps down !!! :D and a 32.9k KB/sec download speed !! who-hooo !!! :D . As I mentioned before, I live in Diego Martin, Diamond Vale to be exact, so anyone else in this area may have gotten their increase by now as well. I dont know why it took so long, or how they are implementing it but it's finally working. Have patience guys, it will come. B)
  5. In Topic: TSTT Double Speed

    Posted 19 Jan 2005

    I'm in Diego Martin and its the same here. No speed increase as yet. My friend in Cocorite told me the same thing. Will have to check again tomorrow i guess. :angry:

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