TSTT Forum: cmad2001 - Viewing Profile

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cmad2001's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 0 Neutral
Active Posts:
15 (0 per day)
Most Active In:
High Speed ADSL (14 posts)
05-July 04
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User is offline Aug 21 2005 11:01 PM
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Topics I've Started

  1. TSTT banned from increasing DSL Bandwidth to 512k

    Posted 13 Aug 2005

    Hey Guys,

    Got some news ! I recently heard from a reliable source that TSTT had plans to double the bandwidth again on the residential lines to 512k (probably to compete with people like Greendottt) , but just as they were about to announce it to the public one of their competitors complained to the Regulated Industries Comission (RIC) that it would be unfair business practices. Subsequently, the RIC told them (TSTT) that they could not do it and all plans for the upgrade were scrapped !!! :angry:

    Suddenly it seems that the introduction of competition into the market may not necessarily be such a good thing !!! :angry:
  2. The TSTT Survey

    Posted 17 Oct 2004

    Did anyone else recieve an e-mail from TSTT asking you to participate in a survey about their proposed new products and services ?

    Well........ I got one and I did the survey. It took a while to complete, but was very interesting. Some of the products they proposed to implement soon included, VOIP Chat, Video Phones, 1 single number that will call your home phone, work phone , cell phone and/or e-mail you till it finds you etc.

    Any comments on it admin ? anyone ?
  3. 5200 Speedstream Modem/Router getting too HOT !!!

    Posted 5 Jul 2004

    Hi there,

    I have the 5200 Speedstream Modem/Router that I got from TSTT. Ever since I got it the router has been getting extremely hot, sometimes too hot to touch. When it gets this hot it disconnects from the net and gives an error in the system log stating "max echo misses" and I have to unplug it and leave it to cool for a while before plugging it back in.

    I researched the problem in this forum on dslreports.com :

    DSL Reports

    and apparently those guys say it is common for the unit to get hot , but to date , none of them have reported losing connection. If I leave my own on for the day it disconnects about 5 or 6 times and each time I have to unplug it , and plug it back in.

    I eventually decided to put a fan infront of the router and let it constantly blow air onto it and so far it has not disconnected. The unit is obviously overheating and losing connection. I plan to call TSTT about this but I was just wondering if there was anyone else out there in T&T with this problem. If so please contact me at cmad2001@hotmail.com or reply to this post.

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