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acqua112's Profile User Rating: -----

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GPRS (2 posts)
02-August 04
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User is offline Dec 18 2005 04:15 PM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Final Reminder from TSTT

    Posted 14 Sep 2004

    I am not getting no bills now since month. At least does that lovely SMS tell me, that TSTT did not forget me. ;) And I know that it is time to pay my bill.

  2. In Topic: Need help SE T316

    Posted 14 Sep 2004

    @ rmjb
    I have a Sony Ericsson T610 which works pretty fine as a modem, doesn't matter if connected via Infrared, Cable or Bluetooth. Once you have everything properly installed and set up it doesn't matter which connection you use.
    With Sony Ericsson there are two important things to consider, otherwise won't you get a connection at all!
    Go into your Control Panel. There you will find an icon called: Phone Monitor Options. Open it. Go to the tab: COM Ports and select the one that has been assigned for the USB cable. Enable it, click on Apply and then on OK. As for the set up of the phone as a modem. The selection you get is normal. I would try the one for the T610 as I think, that Sony Ericsson phones all come with the nearly same modem functionality. To find out if it works, simply open: Phone and Modem Options in the Control Panel (same place where you have installed the phone). Go on the tab: Modems, select the Sony Ericsson and click on Properties. Click on the tab: Diagnostic and there on the button Query Modem. If your cell phone is installed correctly, you see a long line of numbers and letter coming up in the window below, otherwise will XP give you an error alert and you have to try it with a different driver/setting.
    The next thing you have to do is to set up the phone itself which is quite simple. TSTT has the procedure in the little booklet for mzone. Page 5 and 6.
    Last thing you do is to establish a new network connection in Windows. Which is quite simple too. There is only one tricky thing. The number TSTT published doesn't work for some people for some reason. I am lucky with *99***5#. A friend of mine uses *99***1#. A little bit of trial and error.
    If you do everything the way I described it should go smooth and you are 'good to go'! ;)

    @ wevolutions
    People like you who doesn't have anything constructive to say just make me sick! :wacko: I don't think that your idea of buying a bluetooth adapter really helped out. First YOU buy a generic data cable that doesn't work and then a bluetooth phone and and an adapter. I think to start with the original data cable will cost YOU cheaper.

    As for GPRS. I think the normal TSTT dial-up is still the better thing to go with. I mean, it depends what you want to do. It's ok for email and chat. But forget it, when you need to download more then 4 MB regularly. P2P doesn't work either.

    You all have a pleasant day.
  3. In Topic: GPRS coming soon

    Posted 2 Aug 2004

    I am very happy with my GPRS. As I am on the road nearly whole day mzone is a big help for me to do my business.
    I am using the Samsung V200 connected via the serial cable to my laptop to go online. As long as I have a GSM signal I am getting my Internet connection. The connection is quite reliable. Once online I stay online. Even when I use the phone to make a phone call while using GPRS I stay connected. So my cell phone isn't only reduced to be a modem. Wow. I hope it stays that way.
    Only one thing could be better. But maybe the problem is on my site. The speed. It's supposed to be 115 kBit/s compared to the 48 kBit/s I get with my normal dial-up. I am not seeing any difference/improvement. Will try to figure out what it could be.

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