TSTT Forum: Pablo001 - Viewing Profile

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Pablo001's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (4 posts)
21-November 07
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User is offline Dec 07 2007 10:39 PM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: ADSL Down

    Posted 5 Dec 2007

    View Post Lich King, on Dec 2 2007, 10:59 PM, said:

    That is happening because the dsl signal being shorted every time the phone rings. The usual reason for that is a poor telephone network at the premises. In this case it could be the result of a missing adsl filter on an analogue device that is connected to your line. make sure every analogue device at the edge of your phone network is filtered. If you don't have enough filters then use a splitter of some kind after a filter to filter multiple devices from 1 filter. The next thing is that you should remove any filter that you may have placed for the dsl modem. For some reason TSTT insists that the modem line needs to have a filter connected to it but that is pure rubbish. Just to prove it, if you open up the line filter for the dsl modem you will see that the channel for the modem is really just a bypass and thus is not filtered at all so why waste a filter there unless you need it to connect a phone or something. That dual ported filter is really just a convenience item. I don't bother to use those individual filters because they add to the line load. I built my own global filter and my phone network is in star topology so all the phones connect to the filter and CAT5 run straight to my modem.

    The other reason that could occur is if all your devices on your line exceed the ringer equivalence limit that TSTT offers. I am not sure about the exact value but usually it is around 4 or 5. Each phone that is line powered adds a ringer equivalence of around 0.8 but not all phones quote the exact figure so it could well be around 1.0. So if you have 4 phones like that on your line then your line is close to full load. In that case it is advisable to use phones that plug into an AC outlet like cordless phones which have a much lower ringer equivalence and draw little current from the phone line. What you could do is try disconnecting all your phones along with any other devices you have connected to your line, and I mean everything including caller ID units and loggers etc. except the dsl modem. Connect the dsl modem directly to the socket without the filter. Call your number and see if you still get pelt off.

    Those are 2 of the most common problems I can think of, if neither of them solve your problem then it's back to waiting for Matthew, lol. Good Luck.

    Wasn't a line problem nor filter....
    It was the Speedstream 5200...
    Got a phone call about 7 in the evening Monday telling me to come pick up my new modem...Paradyne...
    Works perfect....
    It seems the speedstream is the problem...and I'm not the only one...
    Security told me everyday someone is bringing modems back to TSTT....
  2. In Topic: ADSL Down

    Posted 2 Dec 2007

    DSL seems to be working a little bit better today. I only get kicked off the system when someone calls....don't know if I should just call everyone not to call me on the landline....

    Last Sunday I spoke to the local Tech Support after being knocked around the TSTT system between India and landline support (India has the wrong extension for Internet Technical Help). Matthew, the tech support here, told me a technician would be sent out on Wednesday at 9 in the morn. Didn't go to work and spent the day waiting for someone fromTSTT to show....LOL....What was I thinking??

    Matthew is a setup man.....

    My problems still exist and Flow haven't reached Petit Valley as yet.....
  3. In Topic: Authentication Failure

    Posted 25 Nov 2007

    View Post Trini.tk, on Nov 24 2007, 08:17 PM, said:

    For the past week or so I have been experiencing a lot of downtime with my ADSL.
    WAN Info - Status shows Authentication Failure.
    I called tech support today (3rd time in the past week), told him the above, and the technician (outsourced) told me that they are experiencing some technical problems with authentication due to work being done in the area for the Blink upgrade.
    The worst part in all of this is that he told me it should start to work in the next 3 to 4 hours.
    So basically I'm without my ADSL for 3 to 4 hours tonight, while I'm home and in the mood to go online.
    This totally sucks!!!

    I asked the tech when my area would be upgraded.
    He said between mid and late December.

    In the mean time, I have to endure this EXTREMELY UNRELIABLE service that TSTT is giving me.

    Been getting the same problem....
    Auth Failure (Peer)
    yesterday it was
    Auth Failure (us)
    I'm completely lost....
    The system kicks me off after a few minutes
    Hope I don't have to pay for ths month of problems
  4. In Topic: ADSL Down

    Posted 23 Nov 2007

    View Post Twoandahalf, on Nov 21 2007, 07:39 PM, said:

    My phone and dsl down for a week and a half, apparently Blink has blinked up the system for a lot of people in the St Augustine area. as of today phone is back, but not DSL. Imagine it took them a full week just to get aa tech to come LOOK at the thing (only to say the problem was with the cable line, next technician, a next 2 days) And still no internet.

    FLOW looking very appealing right now.

    Same here in Diego Martin...Been down since last Wednesday...Apoo told me he had no slushies and the Diego Martin switch was the problem.
    Now, apparently I'm on the 2 Meg Blink, but it last max 7 Minutes before I'm kicked off the server....
    The system says
    link up
    Auth Failure (peer)
    link down

    Woohoo....7 minutes at a time then I have to reboot...
    I now know why they call it Blink....So I can cuss they BLINKING ASS!!!!

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