TSTT Forum: omni - Viewing Profile

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omni's Profile User Rating: -----

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Active Posts:
102 (0.02 per day)
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High Speed ADSL (97 posts)
14-December 07
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User is offline Sep 24 2008 05:13 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Internet Helpdesk - Schmelpdesk

    Posted 28 Jan 2008

    Am I the only person frustrated with the new CSR for internet helpdesk? I mean dey seem to be reading off a manual and when dey put u on to a level 2 technician, he does do de same thing de original person did....cycle through the same instructions de first one tell u to do. And after all a dat, when dey cyah help u correct u problem, dey say "There are some upgrades going on in your area, by tomorrow afternoon it would be fixed" Dey tell meh dat 3 weeks now!

    When I call again, "I'll call you back in 10 to 15 minutes because the computers are slow right now" Dat was 2.5 weeks now, ah still waiting!
    When I call back, "I will put in a problem report for you." To which I respond, "I've made this report twice already", to which he says " There is no problem report recorded here for your number." Dat was 2 weeks ago.

    It get so bad, I just doh want to call in again so I could get a nex run around so I went to the TSTT site and emailed my complaint as a comment telling them to forward it to the relevant individuals. I also threatened to end the internet contract because they aren't holding up their end of the bargain, with a return email and my name and internet username. Dat was 1 week ago, still no response!
    What else I have to do to get some service around here? Gun Point??!!!! ! :ph34r:

    BTW since I get dsl (now adsl) I had to call at least 20 times due to problems.
  2. Paradyne PPPoE

    Posted 17 Jan 2008

    Anyone knows how to setup the Paradyne modem for the best internet experience using TSTT's new PPPoE signal?
  3. Drop in dsl

    Posted 14 Jan 2008

    Anybody else got a constant dropping of dsl signal this weekend. 12th & 13th January?
    I got this problem after about 3 or 4 weeks of uninterupted service.
    Trincity area.
    2MB line.

    I just want to know if it's just me or more widespread.
  4. ADSL Tweaking

    Posted 4 Jan 2008

    Are there any ways to tweak your adsl connection to get more out of it ?
  5. Setting up FTP

    Posted 25 Dec 2007

    Hi All. I spent all night trying to set up an FTP server on my PC. It runs Xp SP2, I have a paradyne 6211-I2 firmware updated to 44. I tried using U-Serv and Filezilla Server. I tried different combinations of configuring Paradyne's virtual server, Port Triggering and /or even DMZ. I can log in using the internal IP but not the external IP.
    Anyone with experience or suggestions on what else I can try. I can't believe I didn't figure it out. When I put my mind to something and spend all night on it, I usually have a solution at the end. Not this time!

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Post Machine
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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