TSTT Forum: darklaw - Viewing Profile

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darklaw's Profile User Rating: -----

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5 (0 per day)
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High Speed ADSL (4 posts)
20-December 07
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User is offline Apr 01 2012 11:16 PM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Flow out of service

    Posted 1 Apr 2012

    Went down for me too, from about 5pm to 10pm today. Back now normal.
  2. In Topic: My Upload Speeds

    Posted 23 Dec 2007

    That's excellent to hear. I called a rep and they said that they won't begin to process my area until January sometime.

    Until then I guess this is what I'm stuck with:

    http://www.speedtest... t/214850462.png
  3. In Topic: My Upload Speeds

    Posted 21 Dec 2007

    ah today tstt came by to fix the line, these are my new stats

    Mode: ADSL2
    Line Coding: Trellis On
    Status: No Defect
    Link Power State: L0

    Downstream Upstream
    SNR Margin (dB): 5.8 9.5
    Attenuation (dB): 72.5 45.2
    Output Power (dBm): 10.0 12.8
    Attainable Rate (Kbps): 1532 636
    Rate (Kbps): 1173 551

    still not perfect i know but hey that's double what I was getting before! And the amazing thing is it works even when it's raining!
    And it only took 6 months of waiting. I realized though that calling and waiting for several weeks for a response is a bad strategy.
    Calling every day of this week on the other hand, seems to work really, really well. :)

    Now i just have to wait a couple of weeks and I should be upgraded to my new package. ( wait a minute... <_< )
  4. In Topic: My Upload Speeds

    Posted 20 Dec 2007

    Sadly this 'upgrade' also happened to me monday. I in the Arima area.
    My upload/ download speeds were 256k/256k previously and now are 256k/64k. I've been on my package for like 2 years now too.
    I rang a blink representative wednesday to ask what's going on and he said that if I was an existing customer I would be upgraded automatically when the network was switched over. Since my modem is now using ADSL2 I'm assuming some kinda switch happened. I told him that the network was switched since I'm now getting 64k upload instead of 256k and if he could check what package I was on ( I signed up for 2Mb/512k) but he just kept repeating that I would be switched automatically and I eventually hung up.
    I think I would have been happier with 256k/256k than this new 8KB/sec upload rate... ( which does only reach like 6 and a bit) Oh well just hope that I get it fixed sometime before new year. I also need to get my line fixed since my modem stats are frankly... quite awful...

    Mode: ADSL2
    Line Coding: Trellis On
    Status: No Defect
    Link Power State: L0

    Downstream Upstream
    SNR Margin (dB): 5.1 10.5
    Attenuation (dB): 72.5 45.5
    Output Power (dBm): 0.0 12.8
    Attainable Rate (Kbps): 864 588
    Rate (Kbps): 727 509
    MSGc (number of bytes in overhead channel message): 48 81
    B (number of bytes in Mux Data Frame): 13 13
    M (number of Mux Data Frames in FEC Data Frame): 16 16
    T (Mux Data Frames over sync bytes): 2 1
    R (number of check bytes in FEC Data Frame): 16 16
    S (ratio of FEC over PMD Data Frame length): 9.5050 13.0612
    L (number of bits in PMD Data Frame): 202 147
    D (interleaver depth): 8 4
    Delay (msec): 19 13

    Super Frames: 1005023 1005021
    Super Frame Errors: 212 6
    RS Words: 6783912 4271339
    RS Correctable Errors: 891428 14
    RS Uncorrectable Errors: 315 N/A

    HEC Errors: 98 8
    OCD Errors: 0 0
    LCD Errors: 0 0
    Total Cells: 27646158 19374676
    Data Cells: 3759414 1690163
    Bit Errors: 0 0

    Total ES: 5891 4
    Total SES: 3533 0
    Total UAS: 294 33

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Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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