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Steffen's Profile User Rating: -----

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Problems with your line (5 posts)
13-May 08
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User is offline Mar 30 2017 04:10 PM

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  1. In Topic: TSTT's Cable TV Service

    Posted 3 Mar 2012

    I contacted the customer support for this service but was told due to the expense of conversion don't expect roll-out this year, and even next year they're not sure (I live in South). At least the CSR was honest with me.

    I've been hoping to avoid going to Flow as I don't like their customer service but unfortunately TSTT has left me with no other option. Greendot is a joke and I don't want Direct TV. I'm now checking Flow's website to determine if my area has the service. If I do get it I'll wait until my Broadband contract with Blink expires later this year then switch over as well, since my Internet has been working horribly the last few weeks.
  2. In Topic: Speed Drop

    Posted 27 Oct 2010

    Nope, not just you. I'm in Williamsville and my 2MB has been running at 0.25MB since Monday. This happened a few times before when work was being done at the Exchange. If it goes into the weekend, I'll have to call Tech Support, which is of course a complete waste of time since they never resolve anything.
  3. In Topic: Skybox and newegg

    Posted 13 Jul 2009

    Back in the early 2000s when I started shopping online , you could have used your CC with just about every online retailer on the web. In the last few years, however, MANY retailers no longer accept CCs that have been issued outside of the USA, so adding your skybox address as a secondary billing address doesn't work as well as it used to. Amazon is still one of the few places where your TT card will be accepted. Neither the CC companies nor the local banks have any control over this, as I've written to several of them about this problem. The reason I got from one US vendor (whom I had been a loyal customer of for over 5 years) is that TT is among a group of countries that have been identified as having the potential for fraud (don't ask me how they arrived at this) as well as a high incidence of "stop payment orders" once an item has been shipped from the vendor.

    So the best option you have now is Amazon. A useful tip is that any business website worth a damn usually has in its Help section a list of countries and accepted payment options. If you don't see TT listed there, don't bother trying to do business with them.
  4. In Topic: FLOW Increases Speeds to 50MB

    Posted 25 Nov 2008

    God dammit, it is SO depressing reading this post. I am really glad for you guys, this is great news. Sadly, I'm still waiting on TSTT to upgrade my area for Blink, and I'm pretty sure I won't be seeing Flow until maybe 2 years from now.
  5. In Topic: How to get a phone line !!!

    Posted 19 Nov 2008

    View Post Warchief, on Nov 19 2008, 12:06 AM, said:

    I've been doing some research and Lisa Agard (Executive Vice President - Fixed Line & Carrier Services and Vice President Legal) looks like the person i should be contacting first...... what do you think ?

    No. Lisa Agard is TSTT's chief Spin Doctor, nothing more. Don't let the job title fool you. Writing her is a waste of good ink. I'm telling you, I went through this entire routine when my phone line went down in mid-2007 and it took me a year to get the line repaired. Let me repeat that: a frickin YEAR of writing everyone short of the tea-lady in TSTT who I am sure would have also ignored my letter as she probably gets paid more than I do.

    Write to ANY of the locals in TSTT and they seem incapable of replying in writing, much less addressing your problem. I did not get action until I wrote a very polite but firmly worded letter directly to Mr Peon requesting assistance. I'd still tell you and anyone else having similar problems to do the same.

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