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namogabot's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (1 posts)
02-July 08
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User is offline Jul 06 2008 12:49 PM

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  1. In Topic: Blink in Tobago

    Posted 2 Jul 2008

    View Post tobago, on Jul 2 2008, 07:47 PM, said:

    I have a confirmed 2Mbps connection in the Mt Grace area. Seems like it was setup today.

    I did not take the router info .. sorry.

    blinkbroadband.tt test: 2048Kbps DL 504Kbps UL
    Latency 56ms

    Speedtest.net 1675Kbps DL 448Kbps UL
    Latency Miami Florida: 177ms


    If only they could put a rocket on me too. :(

    Just thought I would give you some information about my situation regarding Blink.
    I live on the Northside Road in Concordia, 5km from Scarborough. I applied for Blink some 9 months ago and of course nothing happened until I did a second online application on the 5th of June when I was aware that things were about to happen here in Tobago.
    On the morning of Wednesday the 18th of June my 256kbs DSL connection started to play up and all sorts of strange things were happening. After about an hour things settled down and I suddenly noticed a BT download was coming down at 220kbs some seven times faster than usual. I logged into my modem and discovered I was connected at 2mb!! I didn't record the Speedtest results at the time but I can tell you that they made me very happy! I applied for a 1mb Blink connection and have had no contact whatsoever from TSTT.

    These are my current Modem details:
    SNR Margin (dB): 5.4 9.0
    Attenuation (dB): 66.5 41.2
    Output Power (dBm): 1.2 12.8
    Attainable Rate (Kbps): 2284 808
    Rate (Kbps): 2809 700

    These are my current Speedtest.tstt.net.tt results:
    Ping 54ms
    Down 2381kbs
    Up 585kbs

    Speedtest.net to Miami:
    Ping 452ms
    Down 729kbs
    Up 203kbs

    Obviously a bad time of day to test via Miami!

    I have been assisting a few people in Tobago with their Blink connections and I'm still not sure what is happening in that everyone is connected as ADSL2 not ADSL2+ which is what we were led to believe Blink Broadband is. maybe its because were are connected via the Microwave link and not the Fibre Optic link that is required between Tobago and Trinidad.

    This afternoon I connected someone in Kilwyn Bay Road who was the first to be actually connected at the speed they signed up for (256kbs), everyone else has been connected at a higher speed than they requested so I guess the next problem we will all face is the billing!!

    I'm sure if we are patient it will all work out.

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