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Ne05apien's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (8 posts)
13-December 08
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User is offline Sep 23 2009 09:41 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Is this normal?

    Posted 10 Sep 2009

    hey guys, a user from arima here.... i recently got digital cable... so i say let meh give flow 10mb a try for a month cause its the same price as meh blink 4mb(which i suspend) yuh know...
    well this is about meh 3rd or 4th day and this is my story so far.

    i realize the download speed starts decrease like arround 5pm from the normal 1.30MB/s to like arround 500-800KB/s and the later it get the progressively worse it gets especially arround 11pm it be the worse, like arround 150-250KB/s and then like after 12 it starts to get better and only going to 2am its back to the normal 1.30MB/s once again ...... everyday since i got it this happens, almost uniformly.

    during most of this "peak" period i could hardly play a video in youtube without having to pause for buffer.... but outside of this time period everything is fine.

    Two weird things i realize also is (1) i always get a perfect 10.xxmbps/down and 1.xxmbps/up anytime of day when im doing a speed test on the local columbus server, but on a foreign servers i only get that kinda results at off-peak time and TERRIBLE results at peak time. (2) those download speeds i mentioned above is using a download manager/accelerator set to download 8 segments/connections per file... even tho single file D/L speed slows down to like arround 300KB/s (in peak time), if i put another file to download simultaneously, instead of robbing banwidth from the other download (which is just a different file but from the same site/server), its using "unused" bandwidth, so meh downloads combined now will be 600-700 KB/s and if i keep downloading more of them together it will end up using the full 1.30MB/s .... and its the same thing no matter which site i download from at peak time, so i know its not the site, cause on blink 4mbps, once i have 1 file downloading with 8 segments/connections no matter what time of day i get about 530 KB/s right thru... but with this (flow) i have to add up files (even tho im already download them at 8 segs/conns per file) to make full use of my bandwidth at peak hours.....

    is any of this normal on flow's 10mbps connection? if it is, i think ill be switching back to blink cause i rather have 4mbps anytime of day and all day, than have 10mbps in the time i hardly use the net and 1-3mbps when i want to use it the most....

    thanks for the replies in advance... bless
  2. blink firewall

    Posted 13 Dec 2008

    Greetings people, hope everything is fine with alyuh, im a fellow blink (2mb) user from arima and first time poster.

    well when i just got my connection about a year or 2 ago i think it was 256 then, i applied for it with out firewall but when i check
    like most ports was still closed, and i asked them if my firewall was on and they said no, but it seem like it was still on
    now i on 2mb almost a a year now, i once asked them again like since it changed to adsl2 and they said its off
    but almost all the ports still blocked, and when i checked i did port forwarding and all that and then i just take off my windows firewall my eset firewall and the router and modem firewall is never on(and i tried it directly to the modem with out the router too),
    so with all of that off i did the test so i know its not my end thats blocking them, the only ports that appear open is like
    the most basic and commonly used ones like from 21 to 24 and 80 .........does this mean the blink firewall is on? and how common is this? (tstt telling u it off when its probably on) :huh:

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