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jevolution's Profile User Rating: -----

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11-September 05
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User is offline Jul 22 2009 01:44 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Use flow modem in another location?

    Posted 31 Jan 2009

    yea well, i'm gonna get flow internet in my appartment up uwi, home in marabella here not too long we get digital, i was wondering if i'd be able to just take the flow modem from my appartment and connect it up home. I thought for sure there would have been a post about something like this before, but i din find any...
  2. Flash drives

    Posted 19 Oct 2008

    Well dis is more of a heads up than a for sale lol, i found dese ppl selling flash drives at some rel bes prices, they only sell wholesale though, but never had it problems with them or their products.

    2GB Kingston Flashdrive- $100
    4GB Kingston Flash Drive-$150
    8GB Kingston Flashdrive-$225

    btw those prices are for a minimum order of 25...i get d fakes too an din see it on d flyer lol

    look their flyer here: http://aimediatt.com... hdriveflyer.pdf
  3. Problems

    Posted 22 Apr 2008

    Don't know if its my pc or if its blink's fault but i seem to only be able to access certain sites by using their ip addresses. Their domains are inaccessible.
    I have 2 pcs connected to my modem, at first i thought it was one pc alone because the other seemed to work, however, after further testing i realised that it was occuring on both pcs.
    Another thing to note is that the sites that don't load keep changing, for example, one min i can't load google, the next five mins i can. really strange :S
    When i thought it was one pc alone i did adware / virus scans all turned out clean, also checked my hosts file to see if it was somehow modified, but it was not.

    Any ideas? I hoping its a problem with tstt that will fix itself lol.

    edit: btw i had another post abt a problem i had a few days ago, just wanted to let everyone know that that particular problem has been fixed and it is unrelated to this. thank you.
  4. P2P / Torrents stopped working

    Posted 20 Apr 2008

    Ok well I'm on the blink 1mb package, i had port forwarding setup, the tstt firewall is disabled, everything was working fine for about a month now. An then this morning when I tried to start a torrent, it wasn't not connecting to any trackers (i tried multiple torrents) then i tried to connect to limewire, this also was not successful. Now i have two computers connected to my modem, a laptop an a desktop. None of the p2p or torrents are working on either computer, as I said, all were fine before. Any ideas?
    I'm a torrent freak so...i really need this fixed fast lol.
  5. bmobile :@

    Posted 3 Oct 2007

    Dis is more of a rant than nethin else...but neway lol...

    My bro brought a fone from bmobile 4 days ago which was supposed to be one of their newly received models on special (a W200a) for $1099...and would you know today ...(sigh 4 days later) they drop the price to $700. argh...talk abt $400 down the drain.

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