TSTT Forum: tango - Viewing Profile

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tango's Profile User Rating: -----

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11 (0 per day)
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GPRS (8 posts)
19-October 05
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User is offline Sep 19 2012 11:26 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Tryin to decide on Blackberry service or regular GPRS

    Posted 22 Nov 2008

    I'm not sure, because i have a Nokia E71 and if i use the Digicel SIM card i can go on line and get my web e-mail (gmail, hot mail, Yahoo mail) and POP3 e-mail sent to the phone. but i would like to know as well, because i don't see the big deal with BB ;)
  2. In Topic: help with bmobile gprs

    Posted 31 Oct 2008

    View Post Vivian_S, on Jul 21 2008, 10:49 PM, said:

    hey guys,

    remember when you could get free gprs internet access on bmobile phones? well remember when tstt cut it out? well i've gotten word that there's another setting that enables it on compatible bmobile phones. i've heard it just involves a url link change and something involving proxy settings.... anyway, if anyone's got info on how to set it up please don't post it here. email the info to vsinaswee@gmail.com . any info or references will be appreciated.

    come on guys, spread the info. don't hoard it all for yourselves! lol ;)

    did you get the info? please email me at maurice402@gmail.com thanx
  3. In Topic: Alienware laptop for sale

    Posted 12 Feb 2008

    How did you get Mac OS X (10.4.8) to run on a PC? and how can i get a F®EE copy OS X
  4. In Topic: Internet cafe expansion solution

    Posted 8 Feb 2008

    View Post bobbypersad, on Nov 16 2007, 06:12 PM, said:

    looking for the perfect cyber cafe solution?
    let Sunrise Communications design the best for you , we have all the necessary equipments to build and take your cyber cafe to the next level, example a wireless cafe or wireless gaming solution, . no need to go to your cafe when you can have your clients connect to you from their home, think of how many people rather to be in the luxury of their own home using YOUR INTERNET at your rates !!

    integrate@sunrisetrinidad. com

    Can you E-mail me some info on that and your training programes for me please
    E-Mail me here
  5. In Topic: Java application settings for d net..

    Posted 6 Nov 2006

    hi this is tango, i have a sony erricson T610 and i can't get on to the net. i will get buzz some times, but who wants that right, but when i try to hack the system, its not working. can anyone help?

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