TSTT Forum: Senti_al - Viewing Profile

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Senti_al's Profile User Rating: -----

Reputation: 0 Neutral
Active Posts:
154 (0.02 per day)
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High Speed ADSL (121 posts)
17-February 06
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User is offline Oct 10 2015 11:12 PM

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  • Photoblitz Icon
    10 May 2007 - 16:22
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Topics I've Started

  1. Flow cable modem changout

    Posted 10 Oct 2015

    ok long story short , is there a way to change flow cable modem to a Linksys cable modem ?

    I remember trying it a year ago but it didn't get the settings for it to work ..

    can anyone tell me on this
  2. proxy server for bmobile gprs

    Posted 6 Mar 2012

    wat is the proxy server address for gprs with bmobile and the port? i tried a few i see on their site but no luck
  3. private CABLE MODEM

    Posted 20 Feb 2011

    is it posibble to use and replace their arris modem with a private cable modem (linksys)and actually get the settings to the modem to work ? any reply will be appreciated thx
  4. connection drops wen messenger,torrent progs are executed

    Posted 6 Jan 2008

    jus wat the title says ...connection works perfect (2mb connection)

    but as soon as i sign into msn messenger (brings up my contact list etc) connection goes completely dead

    same ting wit azureus,utorrent ..strangely only dese programs ..first i thought tstt blocking it and my connection drops wen i try to use dem

    but i called every day lass week and dey keep saying dey cant block applications ..doe relly believe dem but if anyone is having a problem like this and know a solution plz share thx

    oh yeaa and i try it on different pcs to see if it was sumting on my system ..same prob
  5. jus talk to a "tech" on 824tstt

    Posted 10 May 2007

    okkk so i called about trying to get the setting changed from interleave to fast

    i get a man named ROGER something lol

    he gave me every negative answer i didnt want to here


    ME = can i get the option from interleave to fast as to help me wit real time gaming ?

    TECH = no, it cant be changed ..doe know where u heard it could ..it is a setting tstt has and cannot be altered

    ME = ok and what about the upgrade from 256 to 512 ...wen is this gonna happen

    TECH = that is bogus lie ...it will nvr happen ..u must pay to get upgraded ..price is 2000 tt dollars for residential package


    WELL my guess was he was told to say these answers..no to the interleave change ...and no to the upgrade to 512

    any comments anyone lol


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