TSTT Forum: angostura - Viewing Profile

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angostura's Profile User Rating: -----

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Mobile phones (8 posts)
08-March 06
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User is offline Mar 21 2006 09:31 PM
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Topics I've Started

  1. Caller ID feature

    Posted 8 Mar 2006

    Is there someone out there who can help me? I have a Motorola V180 and someone else in my houshold has a V3 Razr (Black), both of them were purchased in the US from Cingular last year and unlocked in T&T. From when they were bought, until the TSTT upgrade in Dec 2005, whenever we made calls, our ID would not show on other people's handsets, unless forced by either *94, *131# or actually depressing the "Show ID" feature which meant another 3 functions before placing the call. However when TSTT did the upgrade in Dec 2005, this problem was fixed (we do want our ID's to show). However last month, I did a change to my post paid package, my SIM became unregistered for 2 hours and when TSTT reactivated the phone, all features were back on except the showing of my ID. The problems with the Motorola's bought from Cingular is that the "Show Caller ID" feature says "For Next Call Only", so it only does it for one call. Regarding the Razr, that phone downloaded a ringtone from the bmobile website and up to now, 3 weeks later we still cannot get the ringtone. So TSTT reset everything on that handset as well and you guessed it, the showing of the caller ID failed as well. I have tried other peoples SIM cards in our phones and the ID's show, I have tried my US SIM as well, they all work. This then tells me that there is no problem with the phones but with our two SIM cards. I have called TSTT on numerous occasions and went to one of their shops yesterday and they could not help me, giving me a foolish story about only their engineers can help me and they are not available to customers. My options are live with this problem, dial the extra numbers, change our phones to Nokia's or wait on the competition next month....unless someone can help me on this forum. Thanks.

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