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High Speed ADSL (1 posts)
11-October 03
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User is offline Oct 12 2003 10:19 PM
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    Posted 11 Oct 2003

    Here i go again,
    beyond voice my a$$. Is sms beyond voice? I have a gsm handset....patchy service voice mail problems.....but tstt brands this the latest in mobile technology...boy i can't wait to see what comes next....can't send picture messages....just normal text messages that was avilable with the tdma network...yet i invested in a gsm phone capable of so much more....can't surf the net but yet again beyond voice....the next level in mobile communications.....guess this means my pretty colour screen...yeah right.....but wait i am sure these services will come online "soon" but i wonder what price they will be at.....tstt needs some serious competion but wait again apparently our government seems to be delaying this till they can get their act together maybe make some more money on the latest trend rush...figures...anyway lets hope we get some by 2005 or maybe we will have to wait till 2020 when he govenment and tstt realize that they need to get their act in order....come on people speak up and start demanding more.....this seems like a good place to start.
    Would like to hear from other gsm users out there and prob some one from tstt also.
  2. WHAT ADSL??????

    Posted 11 Oct 2003

    This goes out to all of you who think that the service currently being branded as "broadband" ADSL is really broadband......this service is just 128k....same as isdn that was available donkey years ago all over the world. I had the privilage of having real broadband and trust me TSTT does not even come close to it.....broadband adsl connections all over the world are between 300k to 1.5m but yet in trinidad we are being offered a sub standard data rate of 128k or 256k at outrageous prices when will we wake up and demand proper service in this country??? prob never cause every one seems to be taking the scraps that tstt throws to us and being quite happy with it. My suggestion to all in this community is demand more and boycott the substandard adsl untill tstt can provide a proper broadband service that is comparable to the rest of the world at a reasonable price or are we going to encouage them by taking adsl and making them feel we are happy? are we all going to be suckered into this 2020 vision thing with substandard voice and data communications after all they make a huge profit but customers come last.

    some info on real dsl service and what it means to have dsl...notice this technology has been around for about 5 years.....maybe time to get the old heads out of tstt and bring in some new blood who understand the kinda of technology available.

    http://searchnetwork... m/sDe...i213915,00.html
    http://www.dsl-isp-g... om/dslspeed.htm

    Just my rant on this topic.
    Would like to hear from the rest of u all out there.

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