TSTT Forum: philip - Viewing Profile

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philip's Profile User Rating: -----

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100 (0.02 per day)
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GSM Issues (29 posts)
26-July 06
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User is offline Apr 09 2012 04:08 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. iPhone 4s dropping calls

    Posted 5 Apr 2012

    Hey - i got an iPhone 4s from Bmobile, but its dropping calls like crazy.
    Anyone else having this problem ??
    and if yes, any suggestions for a solution, or did I just get a lemon ???
  2. EDGE giving trouble

    Posted 3 May 2011

    Since the weekend edge has been very flaky, coming and going, is the west and around POS.
    Many times the phone is showing GSM and not edge.
    Are others having this problem ?
    Is it POS only or nationwide ??
  3. BB 8520 USB/Charging Port repair

    Posted 14 Nov 2010

    My BB 8520 fell while being charged and the USB/Charging port is now damaged and I can no longer charge the phone.

    Does anyone know if this can be repaired, and if so who can repair it ???
  4. TSTT's Cable TV Service

    Posted 2 Jan 2009

    I saw technicians running fibre near WestMall and asked them what was going on?? ...... they said TSTT starts pilot testing of their Cable TV over fibre this week.

    The homes that are part of the pilot are in the area near West Mall, specifically the 3 apartments The Towers, La Fontaine, La Riviera.

    Hook ups are being made this week and the pilot goes live immediately.
  5. Problems with Buffalo wireless router on Flow

    Posted 9 May 2008

    I have Flow Internet (2mb) and Buffalo wireless router.

    The wireless works just fine, with one major annoying feature - every day when I come home and turn on my laptop, it sees the Router as an available wireless point, but I can not connect to it.

    I then have to walk down to the router and unplug it - it seems that re-booting the router is the only thing that will solve the problem and allow the laptop to connect.
    I suspect the router is working just fine and it is perhaps just some simple setting on the router that I have to change, or set, so that this stops happening.

    Any ideas or suggestions ????

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Advanced Member
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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