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Philosophical45's Profile User Rating: -----

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60 (0.01 per day)
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High Speed ADSL (33 posts)
11-December 06
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User is offline Jun 14 2010 10:15 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Logging into Paradyne Router

    Posted 13 Dec 2007

    hi.. can anyone give me some assistance please. I can't seem to log into my paradyne 6211-i2 dsl modem on my pc.. BUT the strange thing is that i can log into it using my laptop. When i try on the pc.. the modem settings page sometimes loads like the main picture to the top and the side options and then stops.. when i try to refresh.. it does nothing. But when i try on the laptop, it loads nice and quick. Can anyone tell me what is goin on here?!?! :blink:
  2. when is tstt going to upgrade?

    Posted 19 Mar 2007

    so ummm when it tstt going to give us an upgrade to 512kbps or more....are they waiting on flow, is it going to happen???
  3. Nokia 6230 pc suite gprs problem

    Posted 19 Mar 2007

    hey people, i'm having alot of difficulty with connecting my phone to my pc and streaming the gprs to it. All the nokia pc suite has is just a one touch access thingy that hardly has any proper settings option (hence then word "one touch access"). so i am wondering if there is anyone here that can help me or is there anyone here that know an alternative to this, because i would really like to have this feature to use on my laptop when i'm in work. oh yeah, i'm tryin to do this via bluetooth.
  4. Digi Net from phone to pc

    Posted 4 Feb 2007

    Hey i know there are alot of phone gurus in here, so can y'all help me with this problem i am having. I have a nokia 6230 digicel, and i have been using the free net on it for a WHILE now. But i use my laptop daily in work, and there isn't any internet, well no proper internet connection there, so i tried connecting the phone to the pc via bluetooth and through the pc suite i tried to stream accross the gprs. but since i have never got it to work, only error messages. So is there anyone in here can help me, tell me what i need to do to get this working right.
  5. Port Fowarding on Paradyne

    Posted 31 Jan 2007

    hey does anyone know hoe to properly do the port forwardin procedure on the paradyne 6211-I2 modem, i have tried, but they only have port triggering, and when i open the ports using the port triggering, the programs still report that they are closed, so if there is anyone here that can help me, i will be very grateful for your assistance.

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