TSTT Forum: jaiume - Viewing Profile

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jaiume's Profile User Rating: -----

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Flow Internet (21 posts)
22-January 07
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User is offline Nov 09 2010 07:29 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Switch Constantly Blinking & Windows File & Printer Sharing Is

    Posted 22 Jan 2008

    You need to buy a broadband router.

    Cable ----- Aris Modem -----(WAN Port) Router (LAN Ports)-------Switch------PCs

    Otherwise all your PCs are directly on the internet, and all the traffic on the cable (which is like a big LAN) comes straight into your LAN.

    Also as each of your PCs has a different MAC address, FLOW's provisioning server may continually try to provision for different addresses.

    in short, you shouldn't connect multiple PCs to you cable modem via a switch - you need a router
  2. In Topic: Flow speed problems

    Posted 3 Jan 2008

    Yup, mine is fluctuating as well, only getting between 1 MB/s and 3 MB/s, on 6MB/s package.

    Annoying when you don't get what you pay for.
  3. In Topic: Flow Upgrade

    Posted 1 Nov 2007

    I just spoke to a CSR and they said they will just upgrade the speed, they won't start charging you less.
  4. In Topic: Flow Upgrade

    Posted 1 Nov 2007

    Mine are no better today, I'm supposed to be getting 2mb/s

    http://www.speedtest... t/197954677.png
  5. In Topic: Flow speed problems

    Posted 27 Oct 2007

    Just did a trace-route, and it seems 190 addresses are now being routed through Flows own network. It used to go through TSTT. Hopefully this is the beginning of better times

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