TSTT Forum: LADY - Viewing Profile

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LADY's Profile User Rating: -----

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4 (0 per day)
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Problems with your line (3 posts)
16-May 04
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User is offline May 16 2004 09:05 AM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: tele out of service, but busy

    Posted 16 May 2004

    admin, on Nov 25 2003, 10:10 PM, said:

    That usually happens when the wires have a short-curcuit somewhere. Or the wires are drowned. Keep calling 824-TSTT ... I guess you need a speaker phone for that and watch TV while waiting .. ;-)

    Admin that's the advice that you giving people. Why not try to grt some real answers from TSTT you no 1s dat could help us. Come on man

    hammy bolo you reported your prob. according to where you live find / call the nearest work center and ask for the supervisor for your area then tell him / her of the prob. and ask for service more times than not they help as long as they have the crews. :)
  2. In Topic: Busy dialtone

    Posted 16 May 2004

    vmphillips, on Aug 18 2003, 07:58 AM, said:

    Whenever I log out of TSTT I get a busy dialtone on other phones in the house. I have to physically remove the line from the computer to get a dialtone.

    ahem a busysignal is a busysignal and a dialtone is a dialtone. Check your PC if that is not the cause then report it to TSTT
  3. In Topic: Death by TSTT

    Posted 16 May 2004

    Oh please If you know your grandmother was without a phone why didnt you make alternative arrangements eg. get a cell, some1 stay with her, take her by you for the while ent u would let her use your phone? Death is something we do not control when it is your time no matter what / who it is your time to go. Stop laying blame on a man and say some prayers for your beloved. That is what this world needs. :)
  4. In Topic: All Circuits are busy

    Posted 16 May 2004

    Hello people, I have to defend some of the hard working employees at TSTT yes the systems may not work for us all and they should, yes there are employees who are unwilling to go the extra mile to help us customers, but there are also those who give excellent service
    eg. I called in to get the Billing dept as I paid my bill via the bank (I was stuck and couldnt get to a payment center) and I knew that my bill due date was the next day and it takes at least 3-4 working days to be recorded on TSTT system. When I called I was ping-ponged about transfer after transfer and finally I was transferred to the Human Resource dept. and this plesant young lady explained to me that I had the wrong section because they dont have the systems there to check queries, I quickly explained my situation to her and she took all my info. and my phone no. and told me that she would call me back in about 10 mins. Yeah right another brushoff I told myself but she called me back in less than 10 mins. I was shocked
    then she assured me that my bill payment was now recorded on the system and that my phone was not going to be cut in that cycle. I just want to say thank you to that person and say that not all employees are unwilling and unfriendly. :)

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