TSTT Forum: Plataz - Viewing Profile

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Plataz's Profile User Rating: -----

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6 (0 per day)
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Wireless Broadband (6 posts)
03-June 07
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User is offline Apr 30 2008 07:02 AM
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: evdo speed

    Posted 10 Jul 2007

    View Post microone, on Jun 22 2007, 07:21 PM, said:

    well so far so good tstt seems to have fix there bandwidth problems
    cause i am geting 65KB-85KB at anytime of the day

    and yes i did have problems about 1 month ago with the service were we were geting slow speeds

    I'm glad that you're getting higher speeds. But since the beginning of this month, my download speed has dropped
    from between 60-65kb to between 40-50kb on off peak hours. During day time hours, it is usually between 36kbs or lower.

    I don't know what they did but they didn't fix anything.
  2. In Topic: evdo speed

    Posted 16 Jun 2007

    View Post mario2001, on Jun 13 2007, 07:19 AM, said:

    OH Yess Finally ......Somebody like me ....let me know when you gonna start ...i already did that with tatt and i have my response in PDF format if you like i can share it with you so that you may know what to expect fro m them (tstt) do you have msn?

    sorry for taking so long to answer you. I've been busy. But you can email me at cjalawrence@hotmail.com.

    Posted 12 Jun 2007

    where i is i does get 6 bars always and th highest i does get is 65kbps no matter what time of the day it is

    so it cant be congestion.

    it plain and simple tstt capping the damn speed.
  4. In Topic: evdo speed

    Posted 12 Jun 2007

    Since starting this post, I have done a lot of investigating.And all I can find is people experiencing the same problems as me or worse. In the control panel, I was able to change my connection speed from 115.2kbps to 921.6kbps. I thought doing this might solve my problem. However my top download speed is still 65kbps on a good day and my pages load as slow as ever.I am now officially ''vexed'' :angry:. From this day forward I hate TSTT more than anything in this world (YES even more than the barney song)lol. And I will dedicate all my spare time into causing them as much stress and frustration as they've caused me.I will write them every day, make infinate complaints to the TATT, and just plain bother them.
  5. In Topic: is broadband worth it?

    Posted 4 Jun 2007

    After reading everything said, I went into the control panel and checked the properties of my modem. The max port speed is
    230400. But whenever I connect, and I check my connection speed, it is always 115.2kbs no matter what. And the most my files download at is 60-65 on a good day. I am currently paying 375 dollars every month for my connection, and I believe that
    there is nothing wrong with my computer. I would really like to know if I am being taken for a ride by tstt or is this the speeds that I am supposed to be getting?

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