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All posts by PikachuMan

There have been 177 posts by PikachuMan

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New Replies Current Flow Speeds
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I, too, am in the heart of San Fernando. I have...

Posted on Jul 23 2012 06:16 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet Newton2006 Icon
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New Replies Connection Problem
Flow's Arris Cable Modem & Personal Belkin Wifi Router
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I've had a similar issue with a Belkin N+ ((F5D8235-4) that...

Posted on Jan 14 2012 11:26 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet Singerboy Icon
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Hot Topic (New) New Flow Rates & Speeds
... a new dawn
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they've done some work recently it seems. Youtube HD now works...

Posted on Jun 09 2011 12:45 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet zuke Icon
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Hot Topic (New) New Flow Rates & Speeds
... a new dawn
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i wonder how many ppl will take that package and then...

Posted on Jun 07 2011 10:58 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet zuke Icon
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New Replies SpeedTest Bragging Rights
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Slingbox, dread. Cable TV anywhere. The 1Mb/s upload good for SD and portable devices, but I want HD too!

Posted on Aug 14 2010 01:31 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet dforge Icon
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Hot Topic (New) New Flow Rates & Speeds
... a new dawn
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I donno if it would be pointless. The new modem will...

Posted on Aug 12 2010 04:43 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet zuke Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Upgrade only at 15MB
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getting about 20 in south if I try to max the...

Posted on Aug 12 2010 04:21 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet samureye Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Flow slow down
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Interesting, Flow now also runs the Miami server (listed as Columbus...

Posted on Aug 06 2009 11:00 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet jaiume Icon
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New Replies Help with flow
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mine is pretty much identical to urs. Get full 10Mb/s speed. I...

Posted on Jul 28 2009 02:39 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet bulletproof Icon
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New Replies Sharing Flow Internet with a Wireless AP
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Yea, you need a router. The switch will not work. This is off the Flow u-click troubleshooting page :

Posted on Jul 14 2009 05:01 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet dpds68 Icon
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New Replies Skybox and newegg
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Try amazon.com. They accept local credit cards. GATT has a thread on it going back to 2007 somewhere .

Posted on Jul 13 2009 09:05 PM by PikachuMan

Internet General daxt0r Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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I don't want to encourage you but... you know how things...

Posted on Jul 11 2009 02:39 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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some good info under troubleshooting in the uclick section too. should answer most of the issues for ppl new to flow.

Posted on Jul 06 2009 05:04 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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took about 9 months from "running lines" to "converting-houses" in my...

Posted on Jun 27 2009 04:17 AM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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Hot Topic (New) WHERE FLOW REACH!?
anybody kno if flow reach chag yet?
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FLOW will come like a thief in the night! Be patient. It'll happen soon enough.

Posted on Jun 05 2009 08:30 PM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet reyaz01 Icon
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New Replies Flow is losing bandwith
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Here's one at 9pm/Tuesday (San'do). Seems to be working pretty consistent...

Posted on Apr 14 2009 09:03 PM by PikachuMan

Internet General bulletproof Icon
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New Replies Best Wireless Security
Which to choose?
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Yea that, but remember your security is only as good as...

Posted on Apr 06 2009 06:08 PM by PikachuMan

Internet General CapeMayGrrl Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Demonoid Access
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Good looking out bro. Me eh tief nothing. :ph34r:

Posted on Apr 04 2009 04:53 PM by PikachuMan

Discussions MaxIsBack Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Internet Issues
Internet works in Spurts
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What do you mean by dead exactly? Did you check the modem diagnostics page?

Posted on Mar 28 2009 02:05 PM by PikachuMan

High Speed ADSL chico212 Icon
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New Replies new Flow website
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w00t no flash.

Posted on Mar 22 2009 11:24 AM by PikachuMan

Flow Internet fouljuice Icon
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No New Replies digital cable on pcs?
digital cable tuner cards, digital-cable ready TVs?
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Are you sure there are still unscrambled channels left on Flow Digital?

Posted on Mar 21 2009 08:34 PM by PikachuMan

IPTV jpf Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink Speed Boost
Bandwidth Increase
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There seems to be a bug with this. If you select...

Posted on Mar 12 2009 09:17 PM by PikachuMan

High Speed ADSL microone Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Blink Speed Boost
Bandwidth Increase
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Flow has some peculiarities though. You'll get that 10Mb/s for regular...

Posted on Mar 03 2009 10:02 PM by PikachuMan

High Speed ADSL microone Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Demonoid Access
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aye cough dread cough :ph34r:

Posted on Feb 27 2009 08:32 PM by PikachuMan

Discussions MaxIsBack Icon
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Hot Topic (New) GDTV
Greendott's feasibility service for their CATV
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Good find my man. There's a chance to win a year of service, too.

Posted on Feb 20 2009 09:43 PM by PikachuMan

IPTV greall Icon
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