TSTT Forum: All posts by afiea.brent

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All posts by afiea.brent

There have been 15 posts by afiea.brent

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Hot Topic (New) Connectivity: Room for Improvement
TSTT needs to comply with a full service
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i wanna learn more bout d phones dat uses two sims r...

Posted on Apr 17 2007 02:00 PM by afiea.brent

GPRS afiea.brent Icon
  • 15 Replies
Hot Topic (New) Connectivity: Room for Improvement
TSTT needs to comply with a full service
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any company comin here comin 2 mak money, not provide a...

Posted on Apr 13 2007 11:21 AM by afiea.brent

GPRS afiea.brent Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Connectivity: Room for Improvement
TSTT needs to comply with a full service
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I didnt know that LACTEL operating here already, are they?

Posted on Apr 11 2007 04:15 PM by afiea.brent

GPRS afiea.brent Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Connectivity: Room for Improvement
TSTT needs to comply with a full service
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yes im adding another reply ah venting today Before I forget, video calling,...

Posted on Apr 11 2007 04:09 PM by afiea.brent

GPRS afiea.brent Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Connectivity: Room for Improvement
TSTT needs to comply with a full service
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U funny man! But u high;lighted some more strong points! Good! the even funnier...

Posted on Apr 11 2007 04:03 PM by afiea.brent

GPRS afiea.brent Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Connectivity: Room for Improvement
TSTT needs to comply with a full service
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Why does TSTT lack the connectivity of other mobile service providers...

Posted on Apr 11 2007 02:19 PM by afiea.brent

GPRS afiea.brent Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Google Site
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true, but judging the rates of digicel a prepaid customer will...

Posted on Apr 11 2007 01:54 PM by afiea.brent

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Hot Topic (New) Google Site
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im post paid on my k790 i access all sort of...

Posted on Apr 11 2007 11:23 AM by afiea.brent

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Hot Topic (New) TSTT's EDGE is officially rubbish
TSTT gprs/edge service is getting worse
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ok is this topic offline now, why arent people posting info

Posted on Apr 11 2007 11:18 AM by afiea.brent

GPRS rawCpoppa Icon
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Hot Topic (New) Digicel GPRS
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yep digicel sent me this info, their service cost 2 cents...

Posted on Apr 11 2007 11:14 AM by afiea.brent

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Hot Topic (New) TSTT's EDGE is officially rubbish
TSTT gprs/edge service is getting worse
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so then first of all i must say thanks secondly, i...

Posted on Apr 07 2007 07:56 PM by afiea.brent

GPRS rawCpoppa Icon
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Hot Topic (New) TSTT's EDGE is officially rubbish
TSTT gprs/edge service is getting worse
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then why does downloads and stuf are so slow? i had a...

Posted on Apr 07 2007 04:24 PM by afiea.brent

GPRS rawCpoppa Icon
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Hot Topic (New) TSTT's EDGE is officially rubbish
TSTT gprs/edge service is getting worse
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the phone acknowledges that it is sensing an edge network, because...

Posted on Apr 07 2007 04:10 PM by afiea.brent

GPRS rawCpoppa Icon
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Hot Topic (New) TSTT's EDGE is officially rubbish
TSTT gprs/edge service is getting worse
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i have a k790a and im tryin 2 set up d...

Posted on Apr 07 2007 09:12 AM by afiea.brent

GPRS rawCpoppa Icon
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New Replies K790 Tstt ?
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i have a k790a and im tryin 2 set up d...

Posted on Apr 07 2007 08:41 AM by afiea.brent

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