TSTT Forum: adilas - Viewing Profile

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adilas's Profile User Rating: -----

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High Speed ADSL (18 posts)
19-January 04
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User is offline Mar 02 2009 07:55 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Switch Constantly Blinking & Windows File & Printer Sharing Is

    Posted 22 Jan 2008

    G'day ALL !!
    I'm a new switchover to FLOW u-Click service after years of TSTT DSL (including BLINK briefly). Previously I used my TSTT-issued Speedstream 5200 connected to a switch (standard white CNet 8-port model) to share my Internet among 3 house computers and also for simple home networking, Windows file & printer sharing, and iTunes Library sharing. The Speedstream router acted as DHCP server and an Internet Gateway Device, which it also supported.

    Now with the new FLOW service, I have the Arris TM502G cable modem connected to the switch which assigns all PC's a public IP address. This is unlike the previous Speedstream router, which featured Concurrent NAT/NAPT & UPnP that I employed to keep my LAN protected and private with a single WAN address.

    Under this new configuration, how do you setup Windows File & Printer Sharing between the PC's like before? Previously, my other WinXP & Mac OS X computers would automatically show up in My Network Places under the same workgroup, but not anymore. How can I get them to again seem to be on the same local subnet? Any ideas?

    iTunes, however, on all the PC's continue to detect each-other's shared Libraries and streams music fine.

    Also, since I've been using the Arris cable modem, I see the status lights on my CNet switch constantly blinking with activity as if something is always permanently active. The "Link" L.E.D. indicator on the cable modem also blinks non-stop, despite no internet activity. This continues to happen even after all PC are turned off. Is this the normal, expected behavior based on how cable modems work?? Anyone else with their Arris modems connected to switches/hubs experience this??

    After some initial investigating, it seems the Arris is constantly refreshing the DHCP lease every 10 or so seconds for all PC's connected to the switch. Is this standard behavior?

    Thanks in advance for any input,
  2. ADSL Service Interruption

    Posted 28 Jan 2005

    Got the following from our favourite Monopoly Broadband Server Provider:

    Dear Valued Customer

    TSTT will be conducting routine maintenance work on our High Speed Internet Access (HSIA / ADSL) service on Monday January 31, 2005 during the hours of 2:00am to 4:00am. During the maintenance period you will not be able to access your High Speed Internet service.

    TSTT apologizes for the inconvenience but this is necessary in order to ensure the continued reliable supply of the High Speed Internet service.

    We thank you for your continued confidence in TSTT NETXpress and we look forward to continue serving you.

    TSTT Internet Services
  3. ADSL Service Compatibility w/ Mac's or Linux?

    Posted 19 Jan 2004

    I was wandering if TSTT's ADSL service is known to work with Mac OS X or the GNU/Linux operating systems?

    From what I can tell, the external SpeedTouch USB DSL modem supports both Mac OS X and Linux ( http://www.speedtouch.com/ produsb.htm ).

    However, TSTT only 'officially' supports Windows machines.

    So does the service work with non-Windows machines as well, even though officially unsupported?

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