TSTT Forum: unimatrix001 - Viewing Profile

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unimatrix001's Profile User Rating: -----

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Active Posts:
117 (0.02 per day)
Most Active In:
High Speed ADSL (33 posts)
14-October 06
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User is offline Apr 22 2011 10:57 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Flow internet and throttling

    Posted 22 Apr 2011

    the torrents thing annoying. i have resorted to other means to get files because of this. if i wernt cash strapped i would have gone back with blink
  2. In Topic: Flow speed

    Posted 22 Apr 2011

    its very consistent for me. only problem is torrents *sigh*
  3. In Topic: Bmobile 3G?

    Posted 22 Apr 2011

    View Post jsm1985, on 21 April 2011 - 10:02 AM, said:

    Wow. That's rel old school! Does your 6230 work problem free on bmobile? When I had mine, it was right around the time they switched to 850 MHz and it continuously dropped calls because it couldn't handle the pairing of 850/1800 bands.... they swapped it and gave me a 6230i for free B)

    i have a 6230 and a 6230i

    neither gives problems
  4. In Topic: Bmobile 3G?

    Posted 20 Apr 2011

    I jess glad i never buy no phone after meh 6230. wen da LTE come out, den i go buy a new phone
  5. In Topic: Bmobile 3G?

    Posted 15 Apr 2011

    u will be surprised to know bmobile going to start rolling out LTE soon

My Information

Member Title:
Post Machine
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

Contact Information

MSN  unimatrix-001@hotmail.com
Website URL:
Website URL  http://


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