TSTT Forum: Sterling - Viewing Profile

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Sterling's Profile User Rating: -----

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429 (0.06 per day)
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GSM Issues (98 posts)
19-January 04
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User is offline Jul 03 2009 02:07 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. TSTT and MSN

    Posted 9 Sep 2008

    So i was wondering if anyone has been having problems connecting thier webcams on MSN?

    I can connect with people up here with mine, but i cant with people in trini, and the people in trini i know, cant connect to other people in trini.
    However i can connect with Skype to people in trini....

    What baffles me the most however, is that 5 days ago, it was working just fine.

    If anyone has any insight or having the same problem, i would love to know...
  2. Improvement in Service

    Posted 31 Dec 2007

    It maybe difficult for alot of people to realize the improvement in service provided by both carriers as they live with it daily. But i just came back from a short trip to Trini, and noticed the service does seem to be alot better than in previous months.
    For example, i had only one instance of not being able to get through to a TSTT number from a Digicel number, i got that message "there is a problem with the other service provider" or how ever it goes, but as soon as i hung up and called again, i got through
    The rates also seemed to have gone down a great bit also.
    and service throughout the whole country is always an added bonus...
    but my only real let down is to see that both carriers have yet to come to an agreement as far as Text messaging services go, i truly was expecting to see a resolution for that problem
  3. caller id issue

    Posted 26 Dec 2006

    okay so why is it when people call me from a land line from trini the number is blank on my phone, but if they are calling me from thier cell the number shows.

    i dont think this is Tmobile's fault because i usto be with cingular and would have the same problem
  4. checkin digi balance

    Posted 27 Nov 2006

    while roaming, what to dial?
  5. For those that have roamed with digicel

    Posted 18 Nov 2006

    does the gprs setup work or not?

My Information

Member Title:
Age Unknown
February 11
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base

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