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High Speed ADSL (83 posts)
20-July 07
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User is offline Jul 30 2012 06:43 PM

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  1. In Topic: Current Flow Speeds

    Posted 23 Jul 2012

    View Post Newton2006, on 23 July 2012 - 12:53 PM, said:

    Hello, everyone, I would kindly like to know the current status of FLOW 5MB package internet speed, I am a BLINK user from eversince and I am interested in switching to FLOW now because of the obvious deal $200.00. Is FLOW advertised speed really 5MB, I am located in the heart of San Fernando and do some ocassional torrent file sharing etc. Is FLOW as of 23rd July, 2012 really WORTH the SWITCH or SHOULD I STAY with blink on the 2MB package. IS FLOW right NOW FASTER (No buffering etc.) than BLINK 2MB????

    Thanks for any relevant info on this matter

    I, too, am in the heart of San Fernando. I have a residential Flow 25Mb connection get the pretty much the advertised speeds all day and night. It varies from where I'm downloading from though.

    I still get buffering on some YouTube videos, but I'm inclined to believe that is an issue unrelated to connection speed. I've seen youtube buffer even when everything else is flying.
  2. In Topic: Connection Problem

    Posted 14 Jan 2012

    View Post Singerboy, on 04 January 2012 - 08:03 PM, said:

    Hi everyone, wow it's been a while since I've been to this site!

    Anyways I'm having a problem with my connection to the internet with Flow. I haven't called them regarding it since I'm sure they will say since it's a personal wireless router and they can't help with it much!

    However the router (Belkin N+) is under a year old and we constantly have to restart it to get a connection to the internet (just happened again btw). Has anyone had any similar issues and were able to find a workable solution? I'm unsure if the issue is our router or Flow's cable modem.

    I've had a similar issue with a Belkin N+ ((F5D8235-4) that I've used on two different Flow connections. The router logs would have 'internet connection fail' and would require a reboot to reconnect. The router would then work perfectly for an hour or so, then cut off again.

    The lights on the Flow modem stayed on regardless. The Flow technician that was sent said there was no issue on their end.

    Solution: I changed wireless router (replacement is ASUS brand), and the connection never drops now.
  3. In Topic: New Flow Rates & Speeds

    Posted 9 Jun 2011

    View Post admin, on 08 June 2011 - 11:45 PM, said:

    Since the Speedtest is not always really providing the speed between the servers I work with and my local location, I am using the Speedtest mini.
    Simply installed it on all my servers.
    At many times the speedtest showed close to 15-25 Mbps with my previous 25Mbps connection, the real test showed that the speed is often below 2 Mbps during certain periods of the day.
    So far I would say that flow works fine during 'business hours' but comes to a 'standstill' after around 6 pm and streaming video is close to impossible and I switch back to Blink.
    Would be great getting a constant speed of 4 Mbps as that should be sufficient for many HD video stations.
    The high speed currently only makes sense if I have to download large files using multiple download streams. Maybe one day HD video streams can also utilize multiple streams ...

    they've done some work recently it seems. Youtube HD now works really well. It just downloads the whole thing at full speed on my 25Mb package, so the red loading bar fills up at a good pace.

    I uploaded a screengrab onto youtube below VVVV. Activity Monitor shows it pegs at 3.0 Megabytes per second (~24Mb/s) download until it finishes loading the whole video.

    http://www.youtube.c... h?v=2-BI4Xj8kPU

    I just did some software updates off Apple, same thing, 24-25Mb/s constant, sustained download. This doesn't change at all with time of day.
  4. In Topic: New Flow Rates & Speeds

    Posted 7 Jun 2011

    View Post zuke, on 06 June 2011 - 04:46 PM, said:

    got some info last week that flow would be introducing some new packages very soon... up to 400mbit

    i wonder how many ppl will take that package and then plug it in 10/100 NICs and G routers.

    I might be interpreting this chartVVVV wrong, but it seems very few routers could deliver that kind of speed in a WAN->LAN direction.

    http://www.smallnetb... ter-charts/view
  5. In Topic: SpeedTest Bragging Rights

    Posted 14 Aug 2010

    Slingbox, dread.

    Cable TV anywhere. The 1Mb/s upload good for SD and portable devices, but I want HD too!

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