TSTT Forum: Sterling - Viewing Profile

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Sterling's Profile User Rating: -----

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Active Posts:
429 (0.06 per day)
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GSM Issues (98 posts)
19-January 04
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User is offline Jul 03 2009 02:07 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Topping up mobile online

    Posted 1 Mar 2009

    i use etoponline all the time to send money to my gf, it works instantly
  2. In Topic: can't send new year greetings on bmobile!

    Posted 5 Jan 2008

    well i sent about 12 new years sms from up here to a bmobile, they were all received on Thursday lol
  3. In Topic: free net

    Posted 2 Dec 2007

    View Post Lich King, on Nov 25 2007, 12:23 AM, said:

    HA! Like hell I telling you that. My head too oily and I too selfish to give you that information. You asking in the wrong forum. Everyone who knows that information stupid and retarded just like me so tough luck. Just to prove how selfish I am, I not even going to private message you with the information. I can't afford to help you, then you go be better than me and I cannot stand for them things.

    oh, i was under the impression this forum was to help other people out, contribute, and be helped out in return. i was unaware that the purpose of this forum was to hoard information and to make a mockery of people that ask for help..
  4. In Topic: Best Phone

    Posted 15 Nov 2007

    decided not to ask my question...
    would have made myself look stupid lol
  5. In Topic: Windows Vista Users

    Posted 8 Nov 2007

    my laptop died earlier this week, so i went out and got me a vaio with vista, its been a touch and go process so far, so the way the software display stuff is a little weird, like the fact that my whole screen gets dark before certain pop up messages from windows...

    but as far as my hardware go, i havent really played with anything, except my new external hard drive which was my previous hard drive from the dead laptop, and it works just fine

My Information

Member Title:
Age Unknown
February 11
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base

Contact Information

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Website URL:
Website URL  http://


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