TSTT Forum: mario2001 - Viewing Profile

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mario2001's Profile User Rating: -----

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619 (0.09 per day)
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GSM Issues (215 posts)
23-December 05
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User is offline May 25 2012 06:38 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: 3G/4G Routers WiFI help

    Posted 10 Dec 2010

    Have you had any success in this project?
  2. In Topic: Quality of expertise on TSTT Wireless broadband HELP

    Posted 4 Jul 2008

    View Post zion high, on Jun 13 2008, 03:13 PM, said:

    Dont take it back. They tried to recall axessels but failed.Customers who used them refused to give them up because they work well when all else fails.
    You can also set up a small network using an axesstel.
    That indian helpdesk knows nothing about the axesstel ,waste of time even listening to them.
    My power light has been red since I got mine so I not even listen to them.

    Hey all of this looks familiar i had the same identical problem several times and tstt always want to recall the modem for repairs ....i always brace them the first time it happened i thought that something was wrong the way how the tstt rep wanted to have it in for repairs to i sent it to axesstel and i was tolld that most of the time all the router needs is to be reset and you just need to re entre all the info (eg Username and password) and save it ....and it works ....i did everytime it happened after that and its been working fine.....i have had the router for 2yrs and had to dod the reset like 4 times

    tstt is a ripoff
  3. In Topic: Direct TV vs Flow!!

    Posted 16 Dec 2007

    I live in remote part of trinidad and when i first got Directv in 1999 it was much more spanish than it has now ...but after a while i decided to shift to the north american feed....its quite possible to get the north american feed you know all you need is a credit card so that directv north america can automatically bill you, a 6ft dish to pick up the weak north american feed properly and a suitable reciever...i still have directv latin america to ..but i seldom use it so i diconnected it ...both systems i own so i just have to pay for the programming ...
  4. In Topic: Laqtel

    Posted 23 Nov 2007

    Word around is Digicel plans to approch TATT to obtain spectrum to over lay CDMA on their GSM network ...i was told that digicel will not be pursuing WiMax in trinidad and tobago because of Terrain ....still waiting on my digi contact to confirm this ...if it is true ....ill beone happy man as TSTT will not be able to compete with digi
  5. In Topic: evdo speed

    Posted 20 Oct 2007

    Finally some good Inside as to whats going on with Tstt EVDO and whats causing the Band width problems ....I got this form a friend of mines who works in the internet department, and i thought id wold share it with you guys

    Hey was up!
    Actually the explanation we got from the VP of technology was that they temporarily lent some of the frequency to mobile... and also another problem I remember was that it didn’t have enough t1 lines in the exchanges to support the amt of users... So they have been upgrading that, as well as pretty soon we will get back all the frequency that was alotted to us... When this takes place, a significant increase should be seen. Also, they are trying to work on what they call "bandwidth hogs" people who use the wireless to download on P2p and stuff like that, cuz
    it's really meant for mainly surfing, checkin emails and stuff, and u
    know downloading too, but not to that extent....
    So, yes, pretty soon, things would be in order with that..

    So If i am correct Tstt is sacrificing the EVDO customers buy using EVDo Spectrum for mobile ...steups and still they cant get their mobile network to operate properly so now both EVDO and Mobile crappy ...why cant they (tstt) provide 1 good service

My Information

Member Title:
Telecom Master
37 years old
September 18, 1986
Computers, electronics and cellular tecnology

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