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User is offline Jun 23 2010 08:58 PM

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  1. In Topic: Blink Speed Boost

    Posted 17 Mar 2009

    i'm got 10mb suckers its crazy though still have 2 test ou my torrent dload speed but so far so good
  2. In Topic: Blink Speed Boost

    Posted 12 Mar 2009

    i gotthe double speed but my torrent dloads have decreased drastically i'm i de only 1 experiencing this?
  3. In Topic: My Blink speeds are lower than what I pay for

    Posted 8 Mar 2009

    i used to leave like 40 movie torrents dloading and get 250kpbs on dem now i can barely hit 100kpbs wit 5 dloads and i have 2mb wit blink wats really goin on and this is my speed with speedtest http://www.speedtest... t/425542330.png
  4. In Topic: Blink Speed Boost

    Posted 8 Mar 2009

    hey i may be a lil off topic but would like 2 find out if anyone who has 10mb wit blik wat is the download speed they get wit dloading movies avg speed b4 and after the speedboost
  5. In Topic: bes internet package

    Posted 7 Mar 2009

    View Post Lich King, on Mar 7 2009, 09:54 AM, said:

    Oh crap I accidentally double post. Admin/mod please delete this extra post :).

    Sure but I don't use vuse so whatever tweak I give you for uTorrent you will have to look for the similar feature in vuse.
    First thing to do is to kill the dns client service in windows because the only time that will benefit you is if you are using dialup or a network without a router. To do this go to Control Panel-> Administrative Tools-> Services, scroll down and look for a service named "DNS Client", stop it and set it to disabled in its properties.

    Now for the uTorrent settings.

    If you have UPnP enabled in your network then in preferences-> connection you can enable UPnP port mapping, enable random port at start, and enable add windows firewall exception. Do not enable Nat-PMP unless your pc is connected to an Apple branded router.

    In the bandwidth settings page there are 3 checkboxes in total on that page, disable all of them. Set max upload rate to something like 16 or 32 if your network can handle it. The second box should be greyed out. Next is max download rate, set that to 0. Global max connections you can set to about 100, connected peers per torrent you can set to about 25, and finally number of upload slots per torrent set to 1.

    In the BitTorrent settings page there are 6 checkboxes on top and 1 with a dropdown menu below. Note that the parameter before where you set the global max number of connections only applies to TCP connections however DHT floods the router with hundreds ot UDP connections that cause your web browsing to keep saying page timeout etc. So if you get those errors then disable DHT network and disable DHT for new torrents. If your web browsing is unaffected then of those 6 checkboxes, enable all EXCEPT the last one which says limit local peer bandwidth. Enable Protocol Encryption as this is important for some ISP that try to throttle torrent bandwidth at the application level of the tcp/ip stack. Tick the box on the side to allow incoming legacy connections.

    Advanced page you will see Advanced Options on top and a warning to not modify anything there. Look for an option named "bt.prio_first_last_piece" , set that to true; this will download the first and last pieces first so you could preview the avi files. Next look for an option called "net.calc_overhead" and set it to true; this adds the connection overhead to the total bandwidth displayed in the window so you will know the true bandwidth being used and not simply the amount used for downloads alone. Next you will see "net.max_halfopen" which is default on 8, because XP default is to only allow 10 however if you have patched your tcpip.sys to allow more half open connections then you could change this value as you see fit, do not raise it if you have not patched your tcpip.sys else the effects would be adverse; this isn't really necessary because having a value of 8 just slows down the time it takes for you to get more sources than if you had it set to 1000 for example, so it means you will just have to wait like 30 mins before uTorrent realy kicks off if you leave it on 8.

    the last option page is disk cache. There are 11 checkboxes in total on there. Enable the 2nd box to reduce mem usage, enable the 3rd box to enable caching of disk writes, enable the 6th box to enable caching of disk reads, enable the 8th box to allow removal of old blocks from mem, enable the 9th box to auto increase cache size, enable the 10th box to disable windows caching of disk writes. disable all other settings not specifically mentioned otherwise. Those options are tweaked for high bandwidth connections to save your hard disk and use more ram.

    It takes more to get torrents to perform at full capacity because you need to have a powerful router as well. The Zhone 6211-I2/3 that tstt gives out can handle 2048 connections but the timeouts are not configurable so sometimes the tables get full and you need to reboot the router to get things back to speed. The second thing is if you have another wireless router maybe between the tstt modem and your pc then make sure its not a lame one. I see plenty people on the forums buying weak routers then crying about it when they not getting good performance. You can't just buy without doing research, the pricemart router and the WRT54G and G2 are common routers for people to buy but they pay little attention to the fact that those 3 routers only have 8MB of ram and pee their pants and cannot handle more than 512 connections. You get what you pay for when you buy a cheap router. When I load up uTorrent my pc alone creates up to 700 connections and when other PCs are on the total number of connections almost double to 1400. In addition to having a router that could handle this, you need a network card that could take it as well. Intel I would say makes the best NIC. The Intel EXPI9301CT is one of the best network cards money could buy.

    ok i did that and i got a great speed up to 200kb/s then i restarted pc and i'm ony getting about 150/kbps oh and i go a wireless n ultra wrt10n router is that any good

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35 years old
June 9, 1989
La Brea

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